Dr Deco (and Scubaboard) on Techdiver

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Large_diver - thank you for letting me know who this.....ermmm.....man is!

I.Don, we are all entitled to our own opinions on such behaviour....and as you know - I am not one to keep my secret.

I am aware now...through the helpful comments of Large_Diver, of all the great things this....man.....has helped with and I am sure there have been many more...however, I believe that the art of being polite should always be taught first.

All the marvels in the world of diving couldnt impress me more than this....man.....having the decency to treat people with the respect they deserve.

I am a great believer in treating people the way you want to be treated yourself....hence why I look forward to the day when I come face to face with that....man!

As with any group of scientists or researchers (and that is what techdivers are) you will have opposing views on any particular topic.

Tech divers (in general) are most certainly not scientists. They're just a bunch of people who like to dive deep and in risky environments. Most do not know what science is or what a scientist does. Obviously, there are some tech divers who are scientists in real life but they are exceptions. When discussions on the Techdiver list attempt to become "scientific", many of the posts are laughable. For an example, take a look at the misconceptions about physics in the recent split fins discussion. Real science involves creating hypotheses and doing controlled experiments to prove or disprove them. Tech diver science generally involves making exorbitant claims, never backing them up with quantifiable tests, and arguing loudly (and often rudely) with anyone who dares to challenge them.

Like Dr.Deco stated decompression theory is not high on the US Government's priority list. And the things that he has given us are no longer cutting edge. So, somebody in the private sector with enough money and enough drive has taken over the reins.

Who do you think created the Navy Decompression tables? PADI pioneered the Doppler studies for safer NDLs. Many of the commercial diving outfits have cut their own tables. It is only through the help of Dr Bill Hamilton, who's work was funded by the government and the commercial organizations, that the WKPP was able to develop their tables with some level of safety. Dr Hamilton decided to donate his time and use his proprietary software to help keep the WKPP divers safe.

Before I go any further I would like to mention that I DO NOT WORSHIP GI3, that being said I will continue. Like him or not, you cannot ignore what he and his group have accomplished for diving. And sooner or later some of the things that they have accomplished will trickle down to the recreational diving sector. We can thank the "technical community" for Nitrox, HID lights, better BCs, these off the top of my head.

Just out of curiosity why can't I ignore them? DIR/GUE/WKPP did not invent scuba, discover decompression, innovate deep stops, create the hogarthian system, invent cave diving, initiate diving with mixed gasses, invent the backplate or wings, HID lights, or much of anything else for that matter. They have collected the developments of others into a useful package, but the manner in which they try to ram it down the throats of all divers, including Recreational divers is ridiculous and rude to say the least.

Most people that don't like "Techdiver" have had a bad experience on it and have probably violated the rules and faced the wrath.

For the record, I'm purely a recreational level diver, I've never posted to Techdiver, I have no business posting there. Therefore, I have never had a bad experience. I do read it to try to learn something but real information is generally buried in all the garbage. I learn far more real information in the Ask Dr. decompression column

IMHO, I feel that GI3 is the way he is because, if you warn people over and over about a topic and they continue to ignore you and some end up dying, you start to get pissed and calloused. Examples are deep air diving and Inspiration Rebreathers, both of which have been warned against for some time. But agencies are still teaching and people are still diving this and people are still dying. Why?

This is what he likes to claim. IMO GI3 has shown many times that he cares very very little about most divers. He is the way he is because he enjoys being nasty on the Internet. Are you suggesting JJ and others, who don't engage in the horribly rude behavior, don't care about diving deaths or safety?

Techdiver has become an exclusive DIR list. Anyone offering alternative ideas is shouted down and driven off, except for gadflies like Dr. Black who just won't go away. Do you really believe that GI3 and his cronies are the only people who can have original (or generally not so original) ideas about diving? That there are never any alternative points of view worthy of discussion? It's a huge ego trip for GI3, in a constant attempt to have himself recognized as the greatest diver the world has ever known and to have all divers dive in exactly the manner and gear he dictates.

Dr.Deco gives us lots of useful information, studies he's conducted and participated in. Shared his knowledge from what he has learned at NASA and from DSAT. But (no reflection to Dr.Powell) he has been cut off due to funding. He still seeks further knowledge as any scientist does that has a drive and passion for a topic. All eyes in the diving industry, agencies, manufactures, Govt agencies research facilities, hyperbaric medicine are on what the group at WKPP are doing and what they are accomplishing. He/they will change the way things are done.

Who says all eyes are on the WKPP? The only source I've heard this from is GI3. Usually when he is shouting that he is the greatest diver ever and knows more than any other individuals or group. He may never have dove in a given environment or done a specific type of diving (commercial, black-water rescue, etc.) but he automatically knows more than the divers who have be doing it for years. Note that if someone who isn't a real DIR tech diver comments on a technique, they are shouted down for lacking experience. GI3 never lets lack of experience prevent him from offering expert opinions.

GI3 and the tech divers are frequently wrong on many of their scientific explanations. Dr. Powell brings real science to the discussions. For example, in the explanation on why the WKPP does not do bounce dives, GI3 talks about giving yourself an instant PFO by allowing bubbles on repressurization to pass through the lung filter. Dr Powell explain that years of chamber research using Doppler ultrasound have failed to demonstrate this phenomena and the bounce dive risk is more likely due to bubble formation in the tissues. If you want to look for real solutions to problems in diving, understanding the actual causes is good place to start.


The Irish author Brendan Behan (d. 1964) once said, “There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.”

Glad that many folks understand this "science thing" we try to do.

Dr Deco

OK guys. This should be the icing on the cake.

"The day we establish a "this is the ultimate configuration" is the day all progress and evolution stops. There is no one way -no perfect way. He must put aside ego, impatience, and excuses and settle for nothing less than perfectionl." bill gavin in "the art of safe cave diving"

Just from this mere quote the DIR approach is all wrong. I think they may have a few good ideas on somethings but am totaly turned off with the attitude.

I have read several posts from the techdiver list as well as what was presented to this forum and, well, I have one comment for the, "Wake up and smell reality." remark and it is to wake up and smell what you are trying to shovel. The majority of the information that is put out by these so called tech divers is a farce, lies, deception and twisted facts. They are self centered, selfish, self praising, spoon feed babies whom, for the most part, have only participated in a few excursion dives. I myself have the upmost respect for Dr. Deco and, as an almost retired U.S. Navy saturation Diver, I know what it took to provide the data required for the dive tables to be where they are today (Air, Mixed gas, and rebreather), because I was a participant in numerous dive scenarios to certify those tables along side 100 other Navy Sat rats. We are willingly participating in these profiles because we believe the data will provide a safer work environment for future divers to come. So next time you talk with one of those so called experts, ask the hard questions like when was the last time they walked on water. If you ask George, he will promptly reply just after breakfast this morning. But really, if you want to learn in this industry you have to ask the hard questions. The answers should have proof (such as data from tests reports, and the like). There is an enormous amount of information out there that your U.S. tax dollars have been paying for for years; just ask for it. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through this forum. Take care and dive safe.

Michael Rainone
U.S. Navy Saturation Diver
I would like to see you post that assessment on techdiver and then stick around to respond to the challenges to it. (I doubt that they will be discussions - LOL). There has been an oft stated claim that “they” can back up their gear configuration and dive methods with hard real world facts. Maybe this would force their hand.

Hello Omar,

I will not pay the money to support "them" so I can be on their boards and be berated by a group of individuals of whom have less bottom time then I have deco. You however, can post a copy of it on their board and I have no problems with that at all. My statements stand firm and are supported with science fact not science fiction. Yes I have heard all about DIR configs etc.. And yes they have worked for years Blah Blah Blah but all I ask is for one stitch of certifiable proof (Official testing of some sort that supports their claims). I have to agree that some of the things that George say sound good in theory and may have worked well for him for years but he is not everyone. And to make statements that you must use a particular manufacturers equipment adds questions to the credibility of that individual (I.e. is he getting kickbacks or some type of compensation for his advertising) or even ownership in shares of that company. I have made it my job to inform all divers that there is an enormous amount of official testing on diving, diving equipment, and the like that has been conducted for over 30 years with your U.S. Tax dollars to pay for it. All you have to do is ask for it and read it. I have numerous outlets to get this information so if you have any questions as to the validity of any diving related matter feel free to ask me on this board. Take care and good luck.

Michael Rainone
U.S. Navy Saturation Diver
Nope not me...

I will not cross post it. (BTW techdiver is free, quest cost $ and I can only guess what goes on it because I too will not pay for it). Maybe someone else might.


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