I understand where you are coming from. On a certain level it can't hurt? By advocating a hang bottle you are in a way condoning its use.DeepSeaDan:...perhaps."
Thats all I ask.
Nowhere in this dialogue have I suggested / condoned the use of an emergency air supply as something to be "depended upon" as part of a dive plan. The location & rules of use for the emergency supply should be clearly explained & understood by every diver on board. If someone demonstrates the stupidity to use it otherwise - kick em' off the boat - for good.
My reference to omnicience betrays my frustration with those who are so confident in their ability to micro-manage away every conceivability, they forsake a simple, additional option that just might make a difference to someone, someday.
What sort of scenario would you not consider stupid where someone has to use the hang bottle? If a person blows out an o-ring they should not need the hang bottle, because they are diving thirds or rock bottom. They utilize their buddy's back gas. Properly planned and executed, there is no issue. If it's improperly executed then it says something about the failure of skills.
Try to understand where UP and a few others like myself view that this sort of reliance breeds complacency. Now I'm going to open up a whole can of worms when I mention the following and I'm not trying for a thread hijack: A hang bottle is (in my view) is no different (other than Ricks application) than carrying a pony bottle. It creates a false sense of security that will for some, will undermine good dive planning and gas management skills. There is no need for this.