Dove the Living Seas Sunday

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Atlanta, GA
# of dives
100 - 199
Just dove the living seas at Epcot this past was a blast. We met the Dive Masters outside the park (by far the most laid back Disney employees I've ever met) got a quick tour of the facility and were briefed. Walked into the locker rooms and there were bags with our names on them with all of our gear in them. They had SP BC's, Atomic B2 regs with no octo, Atomic split fins (which sucked in my opinion), and shorty's, so I froze my arse off. (yes I know its 77degree...but I was still cold at the end of the dive.)

The marine life was ok. They had a few small eagle rays, some sting rays, you know the usual stuff. The sharks were tiny 3-5ft, they said, but I'm not sure I believe them on that! They have some 11footers in holding tanks outside that they are trying to put in the main tank, but are a little too "frisky" to put in with divers right now they said. The largest Green Turtle I have ever seen was also in there. Coincidentally, we had to sign some paperwork saying we wouldn't "attempt to interact" with the turtle, otherwise risk ending the dive immediately. The turtle didn't know it was endangered and liked to sneak up under divers and divemasters alike...of course everyone this happened to froze to make it apparent that they didn't want to "interact". The best part of it in my opinion was playing with the kids looking in the aquarium. Something I didn't realize, the Epcot ball will fit in the aquarium with five feet to spare on the sides...about six million gallons of water.

They had hot showers and dry towels waiting for us in the locker room. The Florida Resident rate is about $100 through may (I think). They showed us the video that they shot while we were diving, it was ok, but nothing spectacular. It was $35, all proceeds going to a marine conservation program (don't remember which), also its tax deductible.

The dive was just short of 40 minutes. We dove Alum 63's (I think), and I ended up comming up with air consumption tends to be a little on the heavy side at times, especially when I'm cold. The max depth was only 25ft.

A fun dive. I think you should do it at least once! However make sure you are comfortable in a shorty as you will be walking through the middle of the aquarium in it to and from the tank...with everyone looking at you of course!
Any idea what the non resident rate is? I'll be going there in a few months and might want to get in on that dive.

All equipment was provided?
Did they tell you they would let you wear 2 shorties if you got cold easily? When we dove it in 1999 they offered me that option and I was glad I took it!
My favorite part was waving at the tourists, especially the ones in the tram!

Tha Biz, here's a website that tells about the dive. Looks like the last update was in 2001 and the price at that time was $140, that's how much we paid in 1999. Just did a quick search, there's probably a better site out there if you look.
Ber :lilbunny:
I think the non-resident rate is about $ them to find out. Here's the number as I can't find a website. (407) WDW-TOUR (939-8687)

No they didn't say anything about two shorties...I wish they would have!!!
I think you can dive this for $120 if you are non-resident and are have an SSI card, we paid $120 in the fall. We also took the later dive, starting around 5.30 and got at least 60 mins in the tank. I think we used AL80's, couldnt be sure though, even so i got pretty low on air just before 60mins due to charging around a bit. It was a balmy 77F, which was nice to warm up from the dive at Venice the week before (59F).

It is a great a fun dive, might do it again this fall or next spring when my family comes over.
Sounds like The kinda dives I do when I want to be borded.
Don't get me wrong but I can buy more gear with the $100 and dive Venice for free with my gear and stay as long as I want.
I even can find teeth. Oh by the way if you want I've shoot the video and sell then to you for $30 each and go and buy more gear.
If I get lucky I might even find a big tooth and sell it on EBAY and buy more gear.
I'm just kidding. Well maybe not the part about buying more gear.
But it doesn't soud like it's worth $100 to me. But each to their own. Glad you enjoyed it.
I dove the Living Seas 2 yrs. ago. The cost was $120 then. I was there this Feb. but did not dive it. It's one of those dives that's unique and fun the first time. I actually got twice the time in the aquarium because I was the only one signed up for the last slot of the day. The staff made a deal with the quest just before me that if they would wait and dive with me, they would double the time. I was in there for 70 min. I really had more fun with the people watching through the ports than anything else. Parents would back up their kids to the glass and take pictures with us in the background. I got chilled by the end of the dive, but was comfortable for the most part. it's a good one time dive.

Did this and I thought it was certainly a unique dive worth doing once. Don't think it's worth the money to do again, but wouldn't totally rule it out.

At the time I did it if you charged it on American Express and asked they gave you a 20% discount. Don't know if that's still true.
I agree, a definite one time dive. I may eventually go back though, only after I get all the gear I want Your right, I think the non-resident rate is around $120...don't know where I got $200.
Thanks for posting your Living Seas dive. I'm diving it this coming Sun/28th with my dive club and now I know to ask for two shorties. Hate being cold.
After the 4:30 dive how much time was left to explore Epcot? Which gate did they meet at and would they let you in early?
I believe the Florida Res. special ends this month.


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