Well...I certainly defer to you guys and your experience. I was nervous about narcosis and used gauge reading ease, buoyancy control and my buddy giving me a certain number of fingers shown, and my responding with one additional finger, lack of tunnel vision or stupor (beyond my normal amount of stupor

as a check. I did a lot of reading beforehand especially Bret Gilliam's book "Deep Diving".
MY LDS (SSI) is offering a basic Nitrox Diving class soon. They're good teachers but strictly a Recreational shop and they don't do any Tech diving themselves.
Would such a basic Recreation Nitrox class be good enough to apply to Advanced Nitrox from a Tech instructor later or is it best to use the Tech instructor at the start? I can do the basic Rec Nitrox class a mile from my house. The Tech instructor will require a several hours round trip to each class session and dive so, just asking...
Normally I would wait to buy tanks but although my wife doesn't limit my expenses for training so much, gear purchases have to be negotiated and budgeted for spending in a shorter window of financial "opportunity". ;-)
My very supportive Minister of Finance has allowed me to make a tank selection
and purchase(s) by mid December. (As some already know from other posts)we're recently retired school teachers on a fairly minimal fixed income. Gotta love dividend income but it's variable income.
RJack, I will be taking your advice and calling the instructors you've recommended to me in the next few days and I'll see what they think about tank selection and what they can arrange for me to come down and try a pool dive with, soon.
What do you think of my taking the SSI Nitrox Diving class? Would it serve me well for a start? Does Joe in Seattle teach something better at that introductory nitrox level that makes it essential to start with him?
I also am considering a Bellingham,WA Tech instructor who is much closer to me named Ron Akeson. Does anyone know him, dove with him, taken a class with him?
Thanks. I promise that no one responding has been wasting their time with me!