Thank you so much guys. You've given me a lot of good info. and things I hadn't thought about in enough detail via lack of experience. I imagine it would be nice to have as simple as possible gas planning via the use of doubles RJack.
I hadn't been too concerned with the side pull of a slung 80 as I figured on having deck crew pass it down to me and I could hand it back up. Splitting up the weight was my first goal. Is it reasonable to expect that I can rely on boat crews to do that? If so, think it negates the problems mentioned above?
I think I could probably handle smaller doubles like 100s on a boat going in but that ladder bit. Too bad more boats don't use small lift booms or chainfalls, etc.
ReubanCahn, Thanks. That you can handle the doubles is definitely encouraging.
I had the two lowest vertabrae fused years ago. I have done squats/weightlifting and lifted up to 132lbs. In a perfect form exercise with care, I'm ok. It's the boat movement, whipping my back around and climbing with them in anything but perfect form concerns me. I throw my back out once or twice a year (muscle spasm stuff) and it's unpleasant to say the least!
It sounds like you're diving doubled 100s if I understand you correctly?
I do think what you're saying about even distribution of the weight being the main issue is right on. Guess I'm going to have to strap some doubles on and find out.
RJack, your suggested combinations give me a great base of sizes and combos to try. Thanks.
Others who use similar combinations, your experiences with them would be appreciated.
DIR Atlanta, It never hurts to remind people not to hurt themselves. I was a school teacher so I understand that prevention is worth a pound of cure! I will get good training with a doubles mentor or instructor if i buy them.
I probably would only use my doubles two to three times per year. Expense is very definitely a concern and I'd like to buy what will serve me best for the longest period of time. For several more years I don't anticipate diving deeper than 130-150 ft.
I'd like to dive the U Boat in N. Carolina (sorry I've forgotten it's number and I'll lose this post if I go back to look...) in 2008. Perhaps the most helpful thing would be to see what tanks combination would best serve me in:
a. An NDL dive.
b. A dive with minimal deco due only to any emergency/buddy assist, etc. that would make me a little over due.
c. short deco. If I remember correctly the wreck is 130fsw at the sand.
I'll be taking a gas planning class soon, but would like an idea of what's needed tank wise.
I want to ask all of these questons of a potential instructor, but if you guys would be willing to give me a scenario/cookbook recipe idea I want to buy my gear and approach instruction with what would be appropriate for me physically and meet with approval by most Deep Diving, Deco, Tech instructors down the road.
Hope that's not too unreasonable a request. Doubled 100s are looking like likely candidates. I think I'll have to do shore dives with singles after diving a moderately rough shore dive site.
I really can't thank you all enough for taking your time to educate me as to what I should start with anyway, tank(s) wise.