Doria artifacts disappear from display case

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Reaction score
Boynton Beach/ former Long Island, NY (THE ISLAND)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Copied from Decostop (after discussion w/the author)

Note: I don't know if this the proper place for this, but it really doesn't fit into the stolen gear directory.

Opionions vary when it comes to the recovery of artifacts, and while we as divers might not always agree, most would find the following events disturbing.

One of the shops I frequent Long Island Scuba in Lindenhurst NY, has an extensive Doria display exhibited by Alantic Wreck Diver Pat Rooney. The display contained a near complete sampling of Doria China (of all classes), stemware, silverware and pewter. The display has been there for over a year. The other night Pat noticed one of the curios was out of place and few artifacts were removed by persons unknown. Sadly one of the items was a one of a kind to him and is not easly replaced. The owners of the store are appalled at this developement and are offering a reward for its return, also the items can be mailed back no questions asked. Anyone one with information can PM me or call Long Island Scuba at (631)225-8450.

While this may seem trivial to some, I offer that Pat has dived the Doria over 100 times, and while many horde their artifacts Pat has choosen to make them avialable for other divers to see, and I believe that this is a piss poor way for that person to thank him.


John Bricker
What a scum bag. Probably stolen by someone who would never have the balls to actually dive the Doria themself.
I hope the person returns the items. A local story in the media might persuade the person's conscience.
I hope the person returns the items. A local story in the media might persuade the person's conscience.

The story was picked up by the regional news paper. They also did a piece on the local cable news channel.
In addition different divers participate in different forums and have posted in them.
The word is out.
The police have been in--- and taken finger prints. (there should only be abt 3 peoples prints on the back of the case, any other would be suspect)
Fantastic!!! Somebody's conscience returned to them during the past few days. I guess they realized the Doria black/gray markets don't really exist.
So glad to hear they recovered the artifacts. Just diving the Doria must be a job in itself, never mind having to hunt and dig for artifacts. Nice to hear GOOD news every now & then !!!

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