Craig,Thanks for the reply It's a great question with a tough answer. An approximately 100 sq ft space would be great, but things could be scaled up or down or rotated through, depending on the facility's needs and desires.
..not really ‘off of the subject’ but I am a vintage collector who resides in Harrellsville, NC near Ahoskie. I don’t buy-trade-sell my vintage gear but acquire it for my growing collection and diving activities. I am now 64 y o and searching for a family member or friend who has ‘The Gift’ for collecting and diving it like I do. A nephew does to some degree but is a single father holding down a career and caring for his daughter and has a variety of interests. One being SCUBA. If that prospect doesn’t pan out I hope that this effort to establish a location for displaying the gear comes to fruition. Another idea. An exhibition ‘pool’ w/‘glass sides for periodic demos of vintage gear for interested visitors in the area to come and see.

Scott G. Bonser, PADI DM since ‘84. Harrellsville, NC