Although I understand that you are feeling attacked, insulting others is not he best approach Dody

Unfortunately public forum can do that... it's better to block someone than to answer with an insult that can turn into a ban
And, by the way, even those who are more aggressive, they are doing it because they believe it is the right thing to do - they are not interested in offending you.
True, but when we sugested you 1:1 it was not for discussing - it was for training, possibly with a new instructor. Maybe I was not clear, so I say it more explicitly: it has nothing to do with speaking with others, nor with learning new things. It has to do with practicing and consolidating skills that you (should) already have.
I was an ambulance rescuer, and I have seen people dying for the most unrealistic reasons, even young people. I am aware I can die, and I know there is a probability that I will have an (some) incident(s) underwater. These things are outside my control. What I can do is to mitigate these risks, which is what I do.
I can see your hyperbole, and I agree, at least up to a point. And no, I wouldn't consciously chose to die for a random diver.
So let me rephrase it: if you are a DM, divers rely on you for any problems that might arise. Because of that, with the exception of extremely unlikely scenarios, you MUST be ready to deal with the unexpected. Strong currents and low visibility are perfect examples of unexpected things that are likely to happen - that is, you MUST be ready to deal with them. Others things you MUST be able to manage are: out of gas scenarios, extremely tired people, bad etiquette divers, etc. Things that you are not expected to manage perfectly, but you are expeted to react properly, include: panicked divers, serious injury, unconscious divers, etc.
If, in a specific dive, you believe some inconvenients can realistically happen that you are not able to manage, and that you are not able to properly react to very unlikely (and difficult to manage) scenarios - as a DM, you should skip that dive.