As it stands now GUE seems to have an almost religious conviction about their own correctness. Maybe some of it IS even correct - but how am i ever going to find out if I smoke? (although I wouldn't want to be a part of that kind of elitism even if I didn't smoke - and I don't need a new religion)
I think it's quite funny as well that I've seen lots of agency bashing on this board - just don't dare say anything about GUE. Some people really don't like it and obviously the truth cuts close sometimes - both ways
KimLeece, which religions prohibit smoking?
It seems that the motivation for founders of GUE was to create an agency of higher standards than other agencies.
That seems to be the point of why it was created.
And you are upset because their standards exclude you.
Maybe the folks that created the standards simply don't want to be associated with drug addicts. It doesn't matter if the drug is legal.
Drug addicts don't care about their own health. People who don't care about their own health don't care about the health of others.
In Asian resort areas, it is common for smoking to be allowed on dive boats. I have never encountered a smoker that asked me if I mind if they smoke. They smoke on crowded boats with no regard for others.
I have experienced smokers light a cigarette while sitting in front of me on a small outboard boat with no room to move, on the way to the drop area.
One dive operator provided fresh fruit on the boat for the return trip. Once it was raining, and the only dry place was where the fruit was served. The smokers huddled there so they could keep their cigarettes dry. The falling ashes decorated the sliced mangos.
I advise you to visit a hospital and look at some of the millions of people that die from smoking related diseases per year. The number in USA alone is in the hundreds of thousands.
Maybe you will stop smoking. Maybe smoking will stop you.
Maybe you have been doing too much diving in DE NILE.
Good luck and good diving to you