Doing It Prejudiced

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What about NOAA? I don't remember anything about a smoking prohibition in the manual, but I don't have it with me so I can't check. :icosm11:
AFAIK, GUE is the only agency that has a smoking prohibition.
It is also the only agency that prohibits recreational drug use.
but you can train yourself to hold your breath longer, even if you do smoke.
Of course... and the breath hold is actually not the hard part for smokers... it's the 300 yard nonstop swim, but ya, there ARE some incredibly fit smokers... not sure about marathon runners, but it wouldn't surprise me to find that there are a few.
For the average smoker... or even above average smoker, it's going to be tough.
understand why it would exclude someone from being a totally DIR diver, but I am not sure I see the logic in excluding smokers from a course. Will they not benefit as well? Maybe it will give increased incentive to quit smoking.
That is a very good point. I don't know if it is something that GUE will address as their recreational programs expand or not.
It has always been policy, but I don't think enforced, for DIR-F prior to it being a cert-level course, but they didn't used to have a swim test either. I strongly suspect that the policy will not change.
You set up a strawman only to knock it down and try to throw my country under the bus all in the same sentence...very intelligent Kim!
I don't believe that I have said anything anti-American - anti-GUE yes. If you read it another way then I fully apologise as that was not my intent.

If you've been a smoker longer than 10 years, I highly doubt that you would be able to pass GUE's swim test... 50ft under water on a breath hold and 300 yards in 15 minutes.
I can swim 25 meters at least (80ft) underwater - I did it for the kids at school last week. I don't know my current time for 300 yards - but it's a lot less than 15 mins. I used to swim competetively - and hold lifeguard qualifications. The last (Gold) exam included a one mile swim - followed by 400 yards fully dressed - followed by 100 yards fully dressed towing another person (also fully dressed). Just because I smoke doesn't mean I'm not fit - I grant you that I'd probably be fitter if I didn't smoke - but I can still swim better than a lot of people half my age who don't smoke. I've been seriously swimming all my life.
Al Mialkovsky:
Most don't want to admit that smoking is truely an addiction that has gotten the best of them.

Thanx Al, The truth hurts :11:
Good luck Kim in your decision,whatever it is. It is amazing the dive instructors that smoke and all the information that's out there on the negative effects it causes. Just look at your post? Freedom is a beautiful thing. Thanks for making us think......
And I thought that America was the country of freedom of choice and personal liberty - and GUE is supposed to be the pinnacle of American diving philosophy? Wow!
here it is. If your going to be a whiner about how your excluded from taking GUE training because your a smoker that's fine....but don't load up your posts with ridiculious comments like this.
Mr Mares:
Thanx Al, The truth hurts :11:
Being one who quit cold-turkey after 20 years of 2-4 packs a day with no physical symptoms, this is a "truth" that I cannot fully agree with.
It is an incredibly powerful oral habit and strongly influenced by surroundings, but an actual physical addiction? I still don't buy it.
People who say that quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroin are doing a grave disservice, as a kid will try a cigarette, see that it's no big deal, and then figure "Well, THAT wasn't such a big deal, I guess heroin isn't the big deal they told me it was either".

A standard has been set, you have a choice to make.... how bad do you want it?
(bad enough to stop smoking?)

I understand your "whine" but the truth in the matter is this agency has these standards for a reason. I certainly couldn't go through the law enforcement academy if I wanted to smoke pot, or even stay on a "legal" Rx medication for pain, why.... because they have standards.... Sometimes we agree with them, sometimes we don't. If there's an exception for anything, the standards go straight to crap.

For me personally, giving up smoking was the best thing I could have ever done for myself and my kids. And like you, I protested all the anti-smokers I would run into... some of my comments use to be "it's my body, I'll do as I please" "if you don't like it, leave" ect... But the facts are, there will be standards and rules everywhere we go. It's certainly ok to be pissed off, but I promise, it won't change anything except maybe you being able to enjoy a new level of dive training. How much does smoking really mean to you? When in doubt I always ask myself three little questions..
1. What if I live?
2. What if I die?
3. And how much did it cost me?

Good luck and best wishes...
Being one who quit cold-turkey after 20 years of 2-4 packs a day with no physical symptoms, this is a "truth" that I cannot fully agree with.
It is an incredibly powerful oral habit and strongly influenced by surroundings, but an actual physical addiction? I still don't buy it.
People who say that quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroin are doing a grave disservice, as a kid will try a cigarette, see that it's no big deal, and then figure "Well, THAT wasn't such a big deal, I guess heroin isn't the big deal they told me it was either".
It's not that hard to quit smoking. My sister has done it lots of times.
It isn't something that any agency I know of - except GUE - takes issue with.
I know that PADI and NAUI both recommend that diving and smoking don't mix. They don't forbid it, but they do have a stance on it.

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