It is indeed, as is the use of any controlled substance except as required and authorized by a physician (and I ain't talking diet pills).rblackburn:On another note... I have seen a GUE trained "DIR" diver smoking pot... I assume this is also against the "rules", or is it just cigarettes?
Just because a diver is GUE-trained does not mean that they are DIR.
If this diver holds a GUE cert level beyond DIR-F, then actual evidence of drug use would be grounds for the certification to be revoked. Likewise for excessive consumption of alcohol.
A DIR diver is as attentive to his body as he is to his diving protocols.
I am speaking as a former smoker (20 years, 2-4 packs a day) who doesn't care if someone smokes in his presence. I quit smoking the day I signed up for scuba classes. I had never heard of DIR, but knew that smoking and diving didn't mix... without anyone having to send me links.