Doing It Prejudiced

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You're referring to WKPP. I'm talking about GUE, and the constant swirl of controversy that surrounds the general diving population every time those three magic letters are introduced into any discussion. And what's at the root core of that controversy.
The swirl of controversy has historically been because of the close ties between the organizations through the common members.
The problem is that when George says something, it is attributed to being a GUE attitude. It's not. GUE has drawn from the experience and methods of the WKPP, but George is not a GUE instructor and does not claim to speak for GUE.

Unfortunately, his attitude can rub off on people.
The difference is that GUE is small. Not everyone knows 4 or 5 GUE trained divers. For some people, one loudmouth on a newsgroup is their only exposure. Boom. Instant rejection.
If there's a loudmouth who claims an affiliation with PADI or NAUI, he's ignored for the loudmouth he is, and the agencies don't get a black eye over it.

I don't, and will never claim to speak for GUE, but it does upset me when I see a good, safe organization being shot at, with the primary ammo being misinformation and assumptions from people who have little or no experience with the agency.

As far as those who enjoy quoting George, I don't think I have ever quoted one of his abrasive comments except perhaps as a good-natured jab at a friend.
Unfortunately, his attitude can rub off on people.
The difference is that GUE is small. Not everyone knows 4 or 5 GUE trained divers. For some people, one loudmouth on a newsgroup is their only exposure. Boom. Instant rejection.
If there's a loudmouth who claims an affiliation with PADI or NAUI, he's ignored for the loudmouth he is, and the agencies don't get a black eye over it.
Yes, that's basically what I was trying to say. I do think there's a degree of this sort of reaction towards all agencies though. I had occasion to hear quite a bit of anecdotal PADI bashing just this week-end on our annual camping/diving trip.

I don't, and will never claim to speak for GUE, but it does upset me when I see a good, safe organization being shot at, with the primary ammo being misinformation and assumptions from people who have little or no experience with the agency.
Which leads back to my previous comment ... the abrasiveness puts people off to the point where they stop listening and start making assumptions. In point of fact, I agree with you.

As far as those who enjoy quoting George, I don't think I have ever quoted one of his abrasive comments except perhaps as a good-natured jab at a friend.
Not that I've noticed ... and in fact, I had no issue with the GI3 quote you posted. The thing is that one "Trey" quote typically leads to another ... and soon we're getting into the more "quotable" ones.

If you go back and look at where I entered this part of the discussion (reply 140) and the few preceding posts, you'll see an example of what I mean.

.... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I had occasion to hear quite a bit of anecdotal PADI bashing just this week-end on our annual camping/diving trip.
Well... sometimes it is deserved :)
discussion (reply 140) and the few preceding posts, you'll see an example of what I mean.
Ya... O-ring's quote was a little rough, and perhaps better suited to one of the DSAT related threads. The original quote, of course, was directed at Tom Mount.
It was still funny, IMHO. Oh well, too many "personas" in here for me. I'll leave you personas non aquas to continue the debate and unsubscribe to yet another thread that has jumped the tracks and headed into the abyss..

But when he makes statements referring to people like me as incompetent monkeys, he's not aiming those at WKPP, or at anyone associated with it. He's not trying to make an example of anyone ... he's simply displaying arrogance.

i take offense to that. i am an incompetent ape, thanks so

Everyone has standards. even you!!!

I work as a Law Enforcement Officer. I have applied to join SWAT. I had to do a shooting qualification and a 10 hour physical training (gut check). I did well in the physical part, but got so nervous in the shooting I screwed up. My previous scores through the years show that I have a consistant above average shooting ability, and I was only nervous this day. I don't think that my one day of bad shooting should exclude me from the SWAT team, but they have STANDARDS!!!!! I'm waiting on an answer from SWAT. If I don't make the team becuase of my shooting, then I will try again in the future when I'm able. I will not blame them becuase I screwed up. They have STANDARDS, and I must meet that STANDARD!!!!!

With out standards, anyone could be SWAT. I know you are going to say, what does SWAT have to do with GUE. NOTHING. My point is I choose to join SWAT, so I have to meet their STANDARDS. I feel if you want to be part of GUE, then meet their standards.

I just wanted to reply back. I was recently notified that I did not make the team. I am disappointed, but I'm glad they did not lower their standards to let me on the team because they are short handed at this time. I will be able to try again in the future once I have met their standards.

If they would have lowered their standards to let me on the team, the reward of being part of an elite team would have been tarnished. I believe GUE was started because some people wanted to raise the bar on their training and found that there were other people who wanted the same standards.
keep at it, and you are sure to reach your goal

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