Sort of.brianwl:I'm not sure about your country, but, in our country it is illegal to eliminate any person or group from participating in any public activity for any reason.
Due to medical insurance costs, more and more companies are beginning to take a "smokers need not apply" policy. I am not sure if it applies to any government agencies or not, BUT....
Smokers can still be legislated out of existence.
It is now illegal to smoke anywhere on Malibu or Santa Monica beaches.
Rather than enforce litter laws, they decided to create a new law punishing all smokers.
It has been illegal since 1998 or 1999 to smoke in any bar or restaraunt. I believe there is an exception for "Cigar Clubs". This was passed as a Cal-OSHA law "protecting" the employees (who chose to apply for work in a smoke-filled bar).
It is illegal to smoke in any government facility (including jails and prisons!)
It is illegal to smoke within 10 feet of the doorway of any government building.
And most recently, I'm not sure if it has passed yet or not, but it probably will....
Illegal to smoke in a vehicle if said vehicle is also carrying a child of the size and age to require a car seat (6 years old, 65 pounds).
I have been hearing that New York either has passed or is preparing to pass a ban on smoking on all public sidewalks.
Some parks (just as the beaches) already have bans in place.