Doing It Prejudiced

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I'm not sure about your country, but, in our country it is illegal to eliminate any person or group from participating in any public activity for any reason.
Sort of.
Due to medical insurance costs, more and more companies are beginning to take a "smokers need not apply" policy. I am not sure if it applies to any government agencies or not, BUT....

Smokers can still be legislated out of existence.
It is now illegal to smoke anywhere on Malibu or Santa Monica beaches.
Rather than enforce litter laws, they decided to create a new law punishing all smokers.

It has been illegal since 1998 or 1999 to smoke in any bar or restaraunt. I believe there is an exception for "Cigar Clubs". This was passed as a Cal-OSHA law "protecting" the employees (who chose to apply for work in a smoke-filled bar).

It is illegal to smoke in any government facility (including jails and prisons!)

It is illegal to smoke within 10 feet of the doorway of any government building.

And most recently, I'm not sure if it has passed yet or not, but it probably will....
Illegal to smoke in a vehicle if said vehicle is also carrying a child of the size and age to require a car seat (6 years old, 65 pounds).

I have been hearing that New York either has passed or is preparing to pass a ban on smoking on all public sidewalks.
Some parks (just as the beaches) already have bans in place.
I was thinking along the lines of carrying 50% and 100% stage
tanks, isnt it simpler and potetially safer to have them either side now, rich right / lean left etc
To quote George Irvine, "The only way to kill a smart person is for him to breathe the wrong gas."

Tank contents are NEVER identified by position or by color... too easy to make a mistake. The bottle is identified by MOD (and your name) only, except for the O2 bottle, which indicates "Oxygen 20", to avoid possible confusion with the "120" bottle.

Having carried a Luxfer 40 full of air (the heaviest thing that's ever going to be in it), it is pretty close to neutral and does not affect my trim whether I'm wearing the canister or not. The 80 would be about the same. Avoiding the use of steel stage/deco cylinders avoids the trim issues

Having a cylinder on the right causes a lot of problems.
1 - It interferes with deploying the long hose in an OOA situation.
2 - It also interferes with the canister and routing the lamp cable.
3 - It clutters the right D-ring.

#1 must be dealt with by stuffing the long hose behind you. You can still breathe from it and donate it, but if it becomes snagged or accidentally deployed, you aren't going to be putting it away without help.

#2 leads to practices like mounting the battery either to the backplate (the skinny OMS tubes) or to the bottom of the tanks. There are a lot of reasons not to do this, and no reasons that is is preferable to the right hip.

#3 is the one that's going to kill you. Lean left, rich right?
Where do you park your primary while you're on 50%? It should be clipped off on the right D-ring. That now puts your backgas reg within a few inches of your O2 reg.
Panic-striken OOA diver approaches, you pass him your 50% reg, and you go back to your back gas... or did you just go to your O2 at 70ft? If you decide to stay on the 50%, then did you just pass him the backgas or the O2?
Even under normal conditions, if your hang is longer than 15-20 minutes, you're going to want to take a 5-minute break on back gas. Again... you're on 50% and want to break, did you just grab the O2 reg?

This is the same reason that a stage/deco reg is never clipped off on the right D-ring. Generally, the only thing that goes there is a backup light, primary lighthead when parked, and the primary reg when parked.
I am expressing my views in this forum.

I do not object to this forum. Nor do I object to this thread.

I repeat, I object to the title. The title is inflammatory and qualifies as troll bait. The title should be replaced.

I calculated my previous post to be as diplomatic, and non personal as possible, while making the points I wished to make.

I find the thread, the forum, and SB to be intriguing and informative.

Did you misread? It's the title that's offensive. Not you.
Shall I give you the benefit of doubt? Do you not read the words correctly?

If your vision is good, and your reading comprehension is ok,
then, there you go again, now you are baiting me.

I don't like to be baited, but if I'm going to be baited, it may as well be a master who is doing the baiting.

Do you know the proper title for a person who is a master at baiting?
I don't know why you would think that I am baiting you - I thought I made it perfectly clear that you are - as you say - entitled to your opinion. I simply disagree - or have another view - with some of what you said and expressed my view accordingly.

"I cannot obtain the object of my desire, therefore I will find fault with and condemn the object of my desire"

This "Sour Grapes" logic is exemplified by the original whiner.
You actually accused me of several things in your first post
1. Being a whiner 2. Being inflammatory 3. Creating a troll.
Now you are accusing me of baiting you!
I have accused you of nothing personally - because as I have said you are entitled to your opinion EVEN IF I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. Would you deny me the right to answer some of your accusations? The fact of the matter is that a lot of people disagree with my point of view - and a lot of people agree with me.
Also - No I don't know what a 'master of baiting' is called but I suspect that what you have in mind is not suitable for this board - so maybe you should be a bit careful with your choice of words.
Also - No I don't know what a 'master of baiting' is called but I suspect that what you have in mind is not suitable for this board - so maybe you should be a bit careful with your choice of words.

No no no 'master of baiting' is not allowed here, definitely no, and No again, However if you refer to my signature, this is perfectly accpetable :crafty: :crafty: :crafty:

Kim, i would ignore the B/S being spouted here, i am sure you are educated enough to live and dive how you want to, and i think you are the one being baited, not vice versa

Also i find it strange that minervamar, is registered as gender undisclosed, signs the post 'Mike' and is registered in the 'Female' forum, oh well "when in the phillipines"
Also i find it strange that minervamar, is registered as gender undisclosed, signs the post 'Mike' and is registered in the 'Female' forum, oh well "when in the phillipines"
You actually accused me of several things in your first post
1. Being a whiner 2. Being inflammatory 3. Creating a troll.
Now you are accusing me of baiting you!
I have accused you of nothing personally - because as I have said you are entitled to your opinion EVEN IF I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. Would you deny me the right to answer some of your accusations?

No, I would not deny you that right.

Whine away, anyone who posts on this forum could be considered a whiner.

I repeat, what is inflammatory is the title of this thread.
The title is offensive. Not you.

You asked the above question, there is the answer.

You asked me what I am doing on this forum.
I explained I am expressing my views.

Yes, the title of this interesting discussion is inflammatory,
it is troll bait, and it should be replaced.

So, now I have answered your questions.

Now you know what I am doing on this forum.

Now understand I do not wish to deny you any and all rights to which you are entitled.

I don't question what you are doing on this forum,
you are showing your true colors.
It becomes increasingly evident each time you post.

I stand by my carefully chosen words.

Feel free to say more, or not.

Its your prerogative.
To quote George Irvine, "The only way to kill a smart person is for him to breathe the wrong gas."

Since Rich started the Trey quoting, I'll include one of my favorites that seems poignant in the context of this thread:

"Tom, my personal bet to you is that in a couple of years, deep air will
be regarded about the same way cigarrette smoking is regarded now - only
practiced by the truly ignorant. I will also remind you that IANTD
stands for Interantional Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers.
Nobody needs IANTD to go deep air diving, that is not "technical
diving", and certainly charging people to go deep air diving is about
like charging them to sniff glue, only not quite as stupid as sniffing
glue, unless you were to sniff the glue underwater."
I don't really care whether a buddy does or does not smoke.
What I do care about if he/she is a reliable buddy with good skills. If so, I'm happy.
Could their skills be better if they didn't smoke? Probably. But that is up to them.
Just as long as I have trust in them, I don't have any problem with it.

For the record:
I don't smoke, nor does my wife and we don't allow anyone to smoke in our house or cars.
I'm not sure about your country, but, in our country it is illegal to eliminate any person or group from participating in any public activity for any reason.
That is not true here in the United States of America. I would be very interested in a Title and Section (or that country's equivalent) so I could review the law you speak of.
Since Rich started the Trey quoting, I'll include one of my favorites that seems poignant in the context of this thread:

"Tom, my personal bet to you is that in a couple of years, deep air will be regarded about the same way cigarrette smoking is regarded now - only practiced by the truly ignorant. I will also remind you that IANTD stands for Interantional Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers.
Nobody needs IANTD to go deep air diving, that is not "technical diving", and certainly charging people to go deep air diving is about like charging them to sniff glue, only not quite as stupid as sniffing glue, unless you were to sniff the glue underwater."

Well, if we're gonna start tossing Irvine quotes around, perhaps we can resolve Minervamar's objections by renaming the topic "Doing It Offensively".

Not that I object to the content of his message, particularly ... but the man can't open his mouth without spouting put-downs. Why y'all find such a sociopath quotable is something I just cannot comprehend ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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