Did you read the Aesop Fable about the fox?
Fox can't reach grapes, fox says grapes are probably sour.
"I cannot obtain the object of my desire, therefore I will find fault with and condemn the object of my desire"
This "Sour Grapes" logic is exemplified by the original whiner.
Actually, I care not what the original poster thinks.
So. why do I post?
Because I think GUE and other dive organizations that exclude smokers have moral courage.
They know they are excluding a large segment of people and their money, yet they have the integrity to set and uphold standards they believe in.
This factor is commendable and if I consider taking classes to advance my training, I will consider it as a plus.
One dive organization, European Karst Plains Project, says on its website
www.ekpp.org regarding membership;
"They are non-smokers, maintain a basic fitness and declare not to be a medical risk to themselves and fellow divers."
GUE is not alone, this is a trend whose time has come, hip hip hooray! and more power to any dive organization with the fortitude to do the same.
Perhaps when stating "smokers need not apply", the reasons should be spelled out in large bold letters, in an effort to avoid offense to people with twisted logic, who will say things like "prejudice", "it's like a religion", or do the "Sour Grapes" thing, or say any of the things they say that tend to polarize the dive industry.
Here are some sample reasons:
"We only train non-smokers, because medical reports indicate that smokers are at an increased and inordinate risk for diving related accidents."
"We are cultivating divers to be potential diving companions. We acknowledge information that indicates smoking increases medical risk and is contra-indicated for diving. We want all people we train to be safe, and we believe that smokers who dive place themselves and their companions in a category of higher risk. We prefer to avoid that risk."
I personally don't see there is a need for any organization to justify excluding smokers. But perhaps, precisely stating the reasons could help people who did not read, or did not learn from Aesop's Fables.
Finally, the "Doing It Prejudiced" title is inflammatory, falls in the category of troll bait, and should be replaced.
Regards, Mike