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SMKChef once bubbled...

I was going to write a rebuttal, but it's such a nonsensical statement, its not worth my time.

Please do.

In the real world, not everyone's opinion on diving technique and configuration is even remotely valid. Allowing people to do stupid things just because they don't know any better is crazy.

The idealist view that all methods are equally valid is nonsense. Some people don't have a clue and never will, we shouldn't go around appeasing them and saying their wacky system of diving is ok.
JeffAustin once bubbled...
How else could all the morons on this earth drive without killing themselves and others??

:D :D

Great point Jeff.

each other with their universally recognized hand signal.

This signal is made by closing the last three digits of the right hand and holding the raised index finger perpendicular to the extended thumb.

With the fingers in this position, the hand is then held to the forehead.

Give 'em L...
How about 140 dives in 12 months? That is what I expect to have by the end of May.

You are definitely in one of your creepy moods. In all of the internet can't you find someone else to flame?

You are way too sensitive about my comments on BP&W. I just feel this item of gear is being oversold around here as the solution to all diving problems. There are members of this board that try to push the BP&W on every diver that strolls through here.

If anything you seem to be afraid that other people will have ideas like mine. I have a feeling the DIL name is out of the bag and will not go away even if it comes to stand for something completely different than what I contemplated.

Why don't you elaborate on the next change that I will hate so much for the benefit of everyone around here. Is GUE buying PADI?

leadweight once bubbled...
How about 140 dives in 12 months?

If anything you seem to be afraid that other people will have ideas like mine. I have a feeling the DIL name is out of the bag and will not go away even if it comes to stand for something completely different than what I contemplated.

Why don't you elaborate on the next change that I will hate so much for the benefit of everyone around here. Is GUE buying PADI?


How many of those dives in Cozumel? Better yet, how many without a DM watching over you?

Oh yea, the "DIL" concept is a real wildfire scenario, particularly the name, major stroke of genius (no pun intended).

I'll be happy to elaborate. Within 2 years every agency will be teaching the long hose and every manufacturer will be pushing BP and wings. Hide and watch.

NetDoc once bubbled...
Again, gear standardization plays an incredibly minor role in diver safety.

Pete, I have to disagree with you there. I am not arguing that everyone has to dive BP/wings, but if you and your buddy have the same set up, you will be a safer team, given that attitude and awareness are the same.

You never did answer my question though; if you have a class with Air2's and octos, what do you teach for air sharing?
leadweight once bubbled...
You are way too sensitive about my comments on BP&W. I just feel this item of gear is being oversold around here as the solution to all diving problems. There are members of this board that try to push the BP&W on every diver that strolls through here.

I wouldn't worry about those divers. I seem to recall that in every one of those threads where someone is recommending a BP, you also find a way to tell them that a TransPac is better...
JeffAustin once opined...

The next time you sit in your car, think about how standardized it really is. Other than paint, shape, and comfort/performance, you're looking at a very standardized model. How else could all the morons on this earth drive without killing themselves and others??

Think about how standardized it isn't... Other than a steering wheel/brake pedal/gas pedal... there is a TREMENDOUS amount of variation. Or do you think a bus drives the same as an ultra compact, or Sport Utility handles curves like a Sports Car? How about power plant options: gas/diesel/rotary/piston/ or drive train: FWD/RWD/automatic/manual/hydraulic clutch/mechanical clutch, or the brakes... power/manual/disc/drum/antilock. And back to the steering wheel pedal config... they can either be on the right or the left side of the vehicle.

Soooooooooo... you have either underestimated your fellow man, or overestimated how hard it is for the average human to adapt to different gear configurations. Using your paradigm, all BCs that hold air, have a left handed inflator valve and strap onto a diver's body are standardized enough already... and that would include horse collars as well. Actually, I would be inclined to agree with you on that! :tease:
I have never (so far as I can remember) made a post against the long hose. If it became dominant I would adopt it. Does that amaze you?

Beleive it or not I am in favor of standardizing the hose and backup regulator config. That is why I don't like alternative inflation/octos.

More manufacturers are doing things with backplates, for sure. Zeagle just jumped into the act. However, a lot of them are using the BP as a slide-in with soft packs that are considerably more complex than the continuous harness or even the "delux" harness' sold by Diverite and OMS. Frankly, I don't see how slide in BP's accomplish anything. Oddly, Scubapro dropped their BP a couple of years ago.

If I could accurately predict the future, I would be a billionaire by now. If I could have simply seen how bad the stock market slide would have been only 3 years ago, I woul be a heck of a lot better off right now. So much for predictions.

There is not that much reason to be hacked at me, and I don't have to hide.

-El Cozumel Commando
(I really have been hanging out in the Bay Islands recently.)

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