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NetDoc once bubbled...
I don't care whether it is DIR, DIL, NAUI, PADI or whatever... just remember that ultimately YOU are responsible for your training and your safety.

Personal Responsibility...what a concept!

And being in my right mind by virtue of being left handed, (or maybe it's the other way around?)....

well, now I don't took too long to read everything, but it was interesting.

Yeah. it's Friday, and I'll have another beer,

leadweight once bubbled...
Standardized gear (to a certain extent) may be helpful in cave diving or certain wreck penetrations. For the rest of us it just does not make a difference. The whole gear thing is overworked. Its the diver that needs some development.

Gear standardization is always important when safety is concerned. With DIR you know where everything is, how it works and why that piece of gear is used. The rig is logically thought out and performs very well. Developing diver skills is important, but so are the gear aspects. I don't think anyone could argue that a DIR gear approach would hurt or be a bad idea.

I understand how people may want to do their own thing but, we can't just let people go around doing whatever they want. There are methods, techniques and gear that work, and those that do not work.

If "DIL" focuses on relaxation in the water, I don't see how standardized gear can be left out.
WreckWriter once bubbled...

What many of us have been saying all along is that diver training levels, and, consequently, diver skill level, are at an all-time low. Is this "system" saying anything different?

btw- "DIL" is pretty much the stupidist name you could have come up with, more proof that the thread, and its author, is a troll.

Learn to dive properly, or don't, your call.


First, I think DIC Diving is the way to go. There will be some technical issues to clear up but at least the majority of us on this board are already DICs. :wink:

Second, isn't what WW said exactly what Genesis has been preaching for months now? That is that because LDS's are forced to sign price-fixing agreements with manufacturers they are losing income on their equipment sales to on-line or warehouse dealers. To make up for this loss they are doing what they need to to stay in business.

That is to make training their income generator. And the only way to increase revenue is to lower costs. To lower costs of of a dive class you cut the time people are in the classroom and pool. If you can get a group of 8 people through a pool session in 20 minutes you can get 24 people through the pool per hour. Taking an hour in the pool and getting only 8 students out gets you 1/3 of the income.

I've seen this first hand. Cater to the once-a-year-divers who are going diving on their honeymoon or vacation and run them through the process as quickly as you can. Dive shop makes money, instructors are happy because they are training a record number of divers and earning a nice income.

Perhaps there should be a new classification of diver Maybe those vacation divers are the recreational divers and those of us that are moving on with our certifications are technical. Dunno, but I am going to look into starting DIC.

It definitely has some things others agencies don't.
ElectricZombie once bubbled...

I understand how people may want to do their own thing but, we can't just let people go around doing whatever they want. There are methods, techniques and gear that work, and those that do not work.

I was going to write a rebuttal, but it's such a nonsensical statement, its not worth my time.
It is possible to get a PADI OW card at Club Med starting from scrtatch in three and a half days. Begin Monday morning and finish Thursday by lunchtime. Back out on the boat on Friday without any supervision because they need the instructors for the resort divers.
leadweight once bubbled...

Had a bad cup of coffee WW? Relax, its the weekend, have a beer. I may be an iconoclast and one that challenges the established order of things, but I am no troll. You should know better by now. Is wanting to do something about diver training and skill levels a troll?

I'd love to see what percentage of your post count is directly in opposition to DIR concepts, particularly BP/wings. I'd bet its over 50%.

You're not an instructor nor affiliated with the industry in any way, therefor its a troll.

WreckWriter once bubbled...

You're not an instructor nor affiliated with the industry in any way, therefor its a troll.


That statement is so illogical that I don't have to give any further rebuttal of it.
full standardization in an OW class is THE way to go... I just simply pointed out that the majority of classes are already taught this way, but without use of the BP/wings/long hose configuration.

I would rather teach students in the gear that they will be using. When you learn how to drive a car, you can expect to find the gas/brake/clutch pedals in pretty much the same place and in pretty much the same order. Things move far more slowly under water and there is little doubt in my mind that an aware and relaxed diver would make the right choice every time. He would anticipate things like narcosis/cold etc and plan to AVOID these situations... much like slowing down when it starts raining.

Again, gear standardization plays an incredibly minor role in diver safety. Attitude and awareness are far more important in determining a diver's safety index.
leadweight once bubbled...
That statement is so illogical that I don't have to give any further rebuttal of it.

Who do you know? Who will listen to anything that you say on the subject? You're just a soft whining sound in the distance unless you're part of the indeustry. The industry will change from within when it changes (hate to tell you the next change will be towards the very things you hate the most), not from the ideas of some 10 dives a year Cozumel commando.

Good luck.

leadweight once bubbled...

One could make the standardization argument for just about anything. What if we all drove identical cars.

The next time you sit in your car, think about how standardized it really is. Other than paint, shape, and comfort/performance, you're looking at a very standardized model. How else could all the morons on this earth drive without killing themselves and others??

:D :D

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