Dog Name

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when i was born, my name was suppose to be Susan (a nice name) but the corgi next door was named Susie so my mother thought rather than calling me and having the mutt come running she would name me Lorraine (i would have prefered Susan!) and and then the dog upped and died when i was about 7yrs old and i was stuck with a boring name. so im sure some mothers do have issues iwth their loved one sharing the name with a pooch.

how often does Nanna see your Katy? is she close to her? i dont think nanna is beinig mean over the naming as if she really wanted to she could have named it after your wife and that would have meant more fireworks

tell the Mrs its ok, the dog wont be around forever and neither will nanna so its all ok and time to let it go. maybe you can refer to the dog with a nickname

ok I guess that would fall in the someone stole the name of your kid ... or dog. Now if i had a kid and someone else named their kid the same... be a bit confusing down the road but oh well.
Then again I know someone who always plants a tree the same week as one of their grandchildren. Celtic tradition i think. Ok think about someone who has around 10 grandkids now... lots of trees.
I have to go with your wife on this one.

I agree with others that getting upset about a dog's name is making a mountain out of a molehill but I suspect there is more to it than just naming a dog. I am guessing there is more history here. Your wife may be wrong and there may be nothing intended, but I know that the Mother-in-Law to Daughter-in-Law dynamic can be vicious. Before you side with your mother, figure out why your wife is reacting so strongly about this. It's just a dog - it can be renamed.
I used to go out with this jazz sax player who thought I was disrespectful of the memory of John Coltrane because I named my cat Coltrane. Maybe your wife is his sister?:rofl3:

Not a big deal in my book. In fact, the way people love their pets, it's a big compliment.
I always thought it was neat when people named pets after characters in books, people in history, musicians, etc., but thought it was a little corny to name them after family members. Don't know why I make the distinction, I just do.
So while I think it's a little odd to name the dog after the granddaughter, I don't think it's something that I'd spend a lot of time being upset over.
Then again I know someone who always plants a tree the same week as one of their grandchildren. Celtic tradition i think. Ok think about someone who has around 10 grandkids now... lots of trees.

That has to do with burying the placenta with the new tree.. when laid out flat and the embilical cord across the placenta, it resembles a tree, hence the tree of life - plant it under a tree and that tree and child/person are forever tied together in life.

Naming a dog after my child.. flattery I would think. I knew a girl way back when I was young, in my eyes she was very beautiful and I was to shy to even tell her.. when I got my first wolf hybrid, she was all white with a lil aprocot color on her ears and tail.. beautiful and elegant. I named my wolf the name of this girl who caught my eye.. Naomi :)
My son's name is Lucas.

When we got a small dog (Yorkie), my daughter thought that it should be named Rufus.

Can you guess how many times my wife has misspoke and called my son Rufus? My daughter thinks this is funny. My son just ignores it as a fact of aging parents.

It only causes a problem if you let it cause a problem.
I think you should buy a dog and name it after her. See what she thinks of having a mutt named after her! Maybe you buy the dog for your wife and she could kick it :mooner: around alittle when shes mad at you know who:11: ..just kidding:popcorn:
LOL! I have a dog named Katie, is she going to get mad at me too? :D

There are more important things to worry about in life. Let it go.

Here's a story:
When I first started dating my husband he had a 6 year old yellow lab named Amber who he tended to call "Am". My nickname has been "Ber" for many years and that came in handy because my name is also Amber. Last July we had to put Am to sleep at the ripe old age of 14 1/2, the vet thinks she had a stroke. I spent many years hearing people say "Amber, Amber --insert kissing noise here--come here Amber." I never knew who they wanted until they got to the kissing noise...usually they wanted the dog but not always LOL! When I would send thank-you notes to Bruce's parents after an outing or trip I always signed them "Amber 2-legs" and I sometimes sent them birthday or holiday cards from the dog signed with a pawprint and "Amber 4-legs". This is why you will still sometimes hear my mother-in-law call me "2-legs", it was easier to differentiate us by the number of legs than getting people in their late 70's to remember which one was Am and which one was Ber :D

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