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Okay, I guess I'm looking for very light scuba gear, but let me tell you what I'm wanting.

I'm a swimming, and I like to swim underwater as much as I can (I feel like i'm not fighting to stay on top, and I can completely control my heart rate {ya I have a heart rate monitor with me at all times}). So I was wondering if there was like a small air container that would let me stay underwater completely for a lap or two, or more and being able to breath normally.

Do you think I could make one? If not, what kind of gear am I looking for?

Any ideas would be appreciated.

There's something called a "Sapre Air" that would probably fit the bill.

Please note that without training in SCUBA diving, the top 30 feet is the most dangerous zone to dive. You can literally kill yourself in 10 feet of water if you don't know what you're doing.

Sounds like a freediving troll?
Um, a snorkle?
There's something called a "Sapre Air" that would probably fit the bill.

Please note that without training in SCUBA diving, the top 30 feet is the most dangerous zone to dive. You can literally kill yourself in 10 feet of water if you don't know what you're doing.


!!!! Seriously?
Okay I had an idea strike me. Cause I think I only really need just a breath or two, what if I.......

Punch a hole on the side of a soda can, drained the liquid, punch another hole 90 degrees from it. When I go into the water, I'll have one hole with my lips around it, and the other one face the bottom of the pool.

I would exhale my first breath (from the land) through my nose, and then take in the air from the can.

Sounds feasible right?
!!!! Seriously?

Yes, Here is how. Swim to the botom of the pool, take a deep breath and hold it. Now swimm to the surface. You may not be dead when you reach the surface but a lung over expansion injury would be likley. In theory this type of injury could be fatal and is always serious. The required training is simple: Just don't hold your breath.

The trouble is that while swimming around with a small tanks it will eventually run out of air and then your natural reaction would be to hold your breath and swim to the surface. You need enough training to break you of that natual reaction. Basic scuba trainning is painless and easy and can be done in as littel as two weekends for a couple hundred bucks. If you like swimming under water I would suggest it.

In a pool what you really need is just a snorkle, mask and a pair of "pool fins"
The volume of trapped air is so small as to be usless.

Your idea would work but the size of the "can" would be so large that you could not force
it to go underwater without attaching conciderable amount of weight. Think of a 5 gal bucket with
40 pounds of lead weight attached not really practical for the couple minutes bottome time it would give you. This air would be compressed and so you would still need some minimal level of scuba training

Systems like these were called diving bells. A diver could stick his head into the "bucket" and get a breath of air without having to swimm all the way up to the surfface. Later they would attach a pump and hose to keep fresh air in the bucket. Salvage divers used these hundreds of years ago
They are not practical without a pump and they need to weigh in a a few hundred pounds

At pool depths a snorkle works fine.

Punch a hole on the side of a soda can, drained the liquid, punch another hole 90 degrees from it. When I go into the water, I'll have one hole with my lips around it, and the other one face the bottom of the pool.

Sounds feasible right?

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