So Todd, Greg and I have a ways to go to pass. We're going for the Tech 1 standards of doing the drills within the 3 foot window, etc.
Last night was our 2nd practice pool session. Between the 3 of us, we have 2 swimming pools. Interesting how one needs to continually dial in their technique and equipment to get proficient.
We practiced Valve Drills, Basic 5, and Shooting a Bag.
Valve Drills: Todd did the best on his valve drills, easily reaching them with his trim getting better and not dropping his knees. I still had trouble reaching my left valve and am still getting used to my new TLS 350 drysuit. Greg did ok too, reaching his valves easily, now that he has new undergarmets that did not bind him. He got the DUI 400 Thinsulite undergarmet. He did however have trouble with the chin part of his hood getting stuck over his mouth and was just a bit panicked in the pool. No worries, It was amazing how fast my primary was deployed, ready to stick into his mouth.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do to be able to reach my left valve easily. Now since I got my new drysuit, I may be able to move the tanks up a bit without my head hitting the valves. I'll see how that goes. Also I noticed that the left valve was harder to reach after first reaching it, so I suspect that I'm inadvertently dumping gas out of my drysuit when my left arm is trying to get to the left valve. Next time I'll make sure I'm not rolled to my left side up for that.
Basic 5: We all did well on that.
Shooting a Bag: This was definitely our strength. We easily stayed within the 5 foot window doing that.
Next week, it's another 2 sessions in the pool for us!
It's getting easier and easier!