I think that Doc deep had enough experience to do full trimix dives within the trainingrange up to 100m. That is no problem. I also think he was able to do dives outside the trainingrange. I also think he was more talented than the average diver, so he could progress faster through training. The only question is: how far out of that range is safe with that experience?
The steps in depth he made were really really big.
In standards is stated that a diver cannot go deeper than 12m per dive from his deepest dive. So that means if you went to 60m, the next step is 72m maximum. But I think this is still a lot if you go over 130m depth.
I mention 130m, because from my own experience the problems start in that range. This is individual of course.
Yes, I think he had a great team amoung him to help him. But to go over 130m depth, you must know your body really well, you must know how it react, is hpns a thing that every time happens at depth X or just now and then? Do I feel strange at depth? etc. And this takes time (and money). I believe you can do a 150m dive or a 200m dive and come up safe without a lot of training. But then it is just a good luck. I think you must have experienced some problems at depth that you have to solve alone (safetydivers don't go so deep normally). Going over 200m is still a dangerous depth, even 150m is still not a safe depth, and maybe 100m also not. But the fact is, quite a lot of divers go once in their lifes to 100m, only a few go to 120m. And to 150m only a few from the few. Etc. This means there is still a lot unknown about going so deep.
I think the hardest thing in diving is to say no. And this is a thing you learn with growing experience.
If you look back, have you ever done a trust me dive? I think all of us have done. Have you done stupid things? I think all of us also have done. Have you ever done a dive where you think, maybe I had to quit? I think also most of us have done.