Do you smoke

Do you smoke? I am talking about any kind of smoke

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After suffering through Childhood Asthma (triggered at times by exposure to Second Hand Smoke), I could never understand why Smokers would want to essentially bring a similar condition upon themselves in their later lives (Emphysema, COPD). IMO nicotine addiction is one of the worst Scourges known to Man. . .

I couldn't agree more. When I was younger, I made the informed decision to start smoking. I knew it was terribly addictive and horrible for my health, but I did it anyways. 20 years later and looking back at history, I'm sometimes amazed at how horrible my decision-making was.

Now I'm trying to quit and its really hard!
3. I'd like to see the study showing that "nicotine is as addictive as heroin". It not the actual substance that causes the problem, it is the user and the users mindset.
Just Google 'nicotine addiction' - the addictive properties and how they work on people is completely documented.
Quitting was the hardest six months I ever did. Even years later, the craving will occasionally pop up but it's a lot easier to slap down now.
3. I'd like to see the study showing that "nicotine is as addictive as heroin". It not the actual substance that causes the problem, it is the user and the users mindset.

No rehab centers for smokers? I hope you realize that AA meetings, NA meetings, sexaholic meetings, etc., all teach the same thing and are run pretty much the same way. Addiction is addiction. You have a problem with smoking, go to an NA meeting.

7. That isn't really correct. Again, it is all in the user's mind. It appears as if you are under the impression that nicotine is causing the problem. Anyone can stop any drug at any time. It isn't nicotine, it isn't the heroin, it isn't the coke.. it is the user.

Too many people are uneducated as far as addiction is concerned. Take it from someone who has had family members dealing with these problems for a long time.
I looked at your profile and saw that you are a student. What are you studying? Anything medical?

Your comments have the ring of youth to them and I am happy you are able to see the world through rose colored glasses. I hope you never have to meet reality face to face.
That is not the argument I am trying to make. Nicotine is an addictive substance.
Yes - and it causes physical changes to the brain. While physically nicotine withdrawals as such are not comparable to heroin withdrawals there are many studies that demonstrate that giving up the addiction IS comparable - and actually more difficult.

Have you been a smoker yourself? If so, how many cigarettes a day did you smoke?
I don't normally let a post get to me, but reading some of the inputs did it. I have a very demanding job and my dive time as well as SB time is very special and soothing for me. I guess you can say it is the calm after the storm, but I must admit that I have that nasty, foul breath, stupit and brown tooth habit of smoking. I smoke about 1/2 a pack a day and I must say that I enjoy having that burning butt in my mouth. I try my best to be a consciences smoker and do not blow smoke in the faces of my fellow beings of this planet. I do not smoke on dive boats and in crowds where it might offend people. I come home with butts in my pocket because I don't litter the beaches or other public places. I did quit for about 2 years when I was in country as a OH58 driver, because the delta was too wet most of the time and I could see someone taking a pot shot at me with their AK47 when I flicked my Bick. But for the life of me, I can't remember the last time that I made a fool of myself at a party because I smoked the hole keg, I mean carton, or caused some one to die because I was so smoked up and impaired that I caused an accident after stopping at the local watering, I mean smoking hole after work. Do you see where this is going? There are a lot worse things to rant about than smoking. Smoking is my only vise. It will probably take the breath away from me at some future period of time, but don't morn me then, for I have lived a rich and full life, even with that nasty habit. OK, I am done now and I hope I did not offend anybody with my opinion.
I smoked fr 18 years and dove at the same time. I finally gave it up, not because of diving, but as a lifestyle choice; I wanted to live longer. I don't thnk that smokers should be demonized, but I do not believe it to contribute to safe diving.
Have to agree, Tony. Hear hear

Lake Mead Tony:
I don't normally let a post get to me, but reading some of the inputs did it. I have a very demanding job and my dive time as well as SB time is very special and soothing for me. I guess you can say it is the calm after the storm, but I must admit that I have that nasty, foul breath, stupit and brown tooth habit of smoking. I smoke about 1/2 a pack a day and I must say that I enjoy having that burning butt in my mouth. I try my best to be a consciences smoker and do not blow smoke in the faces of my fellow beings of this planet. I do not smoke on dive boats and in crowds where it might offend people. I come home with butts in my pocket because I don't litter the beaches or other public places. I did quit for about 2 years when I was in country as a OH58 driver, because the delta was too wet most of the time and I could see someone taking a pot shot at me with their AK47 when I flicked my Bick. But for the life of me, I can't remember the last time that I made a fool of myself at a party because I smoked the hole keg, I mean carton, or caused some one to die because I was so smoked up and impaired that I caused an accident after stopping at the local watering, I mean smoking hole after work. Do you see where this is going? There are a lot worse things to rant about than smoking. Smoking is my only vise. It will probably take the breath away from me at some future period of time, but don't morn me then, for I have lived a rich and full life, even with that nasty habit. OK, I am done now and I hope I did not offend anybody with my opinion.

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