Do you smoke

Do you smoke? I am talking about any kind of smoke

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Allison Finch:
Back in the early 70's I was diving the third cave at Morrison Springs (long since dynamited shut) and a friend DID take a smoke break. He carried a smoke and lighter in a light meter case, went into an air pocket and lit up. I have a pic somewhere to prove it. What a dumb #$%!!!

I'd fear the air pocket. But my favorite Flor Keys operator is totally non-smoking. I think I'll get me a waterproof case so I can grab one on the drift line. :eyebrow:
Why do you non-smokers get so worked up about people smoking? Don't give me the 'second hand smoke kills' excuse. Think about how much actual time you spend in an area with smoke. 1 or 2 hours a week at most?! You think that's going to kill you? "What if I work in a bar?" Even if you work in a bar that's the "risk" of that job. Don't like it? Get another job. What if cops were whinng that their jobs were to dangerous. What if doctors whine about the risk of blood born pathogens? That's part of the job! Get over it and stop whining.

What's this about banning smoking on beaches? Is it the butts? Well, let's ban candy with any kind of wrappers. Let's ban screw top soda lids. Let's ban loose change on the beaches. Heck! You have to be completely nude to set foot on a beach. That way at least you can enjoy seeing some nice butts.

Whine whine whine.
Why do you non-smokers get so worked up about people smoking?
Personally, I don't care what you do.
Don't claim that it has "certain healthy aspects"
Don't keep coming up with BS reasons why you can't quit.

I quit cold turkey after 2-4 packs a day for 20 years and I did not use the patch or gum. It's not like quitting heroin.
Don't give me the 'second hand smoke kills' excuse.
Agreed, though I can certainly understand people not wanting smoke in their environment. I don't bother those who may smoke around me, but after a few years of being a nonsmoker, I am beginning to find it unpleasant.
What's this about banning smoking on beaches? Is it the butts? Well, let's ban candy with any kind of wrappers. Let's ban screw top soda lids. Let's ban loose change on the beaches.
Rather than make new, more restrictive laws, they need to enforce the anti-litter laws already on the books.
It's like passing leash-laws and then banning pets from a park because the owners let them run free. They are simply too lazy to actually enforce a law, and decide that it's easier to enact a "popular" law and let the public do the policing through peer pressure.
First time I quit I used Skoal, and it was easy. Now there is a disgusting habit. Can you spit through your reg?

Then I used cigars to quit Skoal. Hmmm.

Finally quit cold turkey and found toothpicks to help with the urge to have something in the mouth. They are cheap and non addictive. Been 12 years, not even an urge. But yes it is a struggle and I applaud those of you who have quit and or are trying.

I now run and am addicted to that, plus this new addiction to diving.

There is a major University Hospital in my back yard and I run on the sidewalks around the parking lots and in front of the hospital. Over the years I have noticed that the majority of the clientele are smokers and/or overweight. Seems these two factors help keep our hospitals full and busy.

I smoked for 18 years and up to three and half packs a day. I had tried to quit many times but couldn't. I believe that one really has to want to quit to be successful. On June 4, 1987 I attended a group hypnotherapy session to quit and haven't had a cig since. I think the success came because the hypnotherapy was motivational in nature. At this point, I never have cravings or temptations of any kind but I think it took several years to arrive at this point.

Threats, scares and nagging do nothing.

Just my 2 cents
I wish I could post a photo of my dad married to an oxygen tank 24/7 to see the ultimate end results of this habit. Oh wait, that can't happen to me.

My Dad smoked from the time he was in his teens until his 60s. He had a lung removed and was preparing for a life with his own portable iron lung when he died of a heart attack while checking out of the hospital. He was lucky.
Quit 9 days ago after nearly 15 years. It's time.

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