I don't do a program on day X of the week and another program on day Y of the week. BUT: I try to go swimming once a week. I was a swimmer in competitions before I started diving.
I also do horseriding 2-3 times a week, including cleaning the stables of 3 horses. Also that is a cardio program.
And I like hiking/walking. I do at least 5 times a week 5-10 km. I still walk this distances, but sadly I got attacked by a pitbull dog in june and due to a side effect of antibiotics I got a heelspur and inflamed achilles tendon on both feeth. The achilles tendon on both feeth and the heelspur on 1 footh are healed again, but sadly 1 footh still had a problem, but I still can do some hiking. With diving no problem, only with hiking. But I was trying to walk more than 10km once a week (I want to climb Kilimanjaro in the future).
I did in august after the wounds were healed some Zumba and circuit training, but now they quit that because it is outside and it seems to rain every time the training is planned and the trainer cancells it then. They are searching now for a place inside. Then I want to do zumba once a week also.
But with doing all these things without a special training programm, you still get a good stamina and condition. And I do some gardening, yes really, I have some own vegetables in my garden and also this is more or less a sport to get the garden clean and let the vegatables grow.
For example a normal sunday: go diving in the morning. Then ride 2 horses and take care of 3, then do an evening walk of 5km ( I just am back from that hike).