PADI EAN has three versions, all require 2 dives, either simulated or actual.
1. Rarely used tables version
2. Much simpler dive computer version with video, book, Knowledge Reviews, exam
3. eLearning dive computer version, 10 question quiz with instructor
PADI AOW classroom or eLearning all require 5 dives, each of which are the first dive and the first Knowledge Review of their respective specialties - a “sampler” course, if you will. Must include Deep and Navigation. Historically you could actually take 5 specialty courses, and get an AOW card without taking an actual AOW course. There is some added “wrapper” content now that needs to be included, but how often does someone choose the 5 specialty path?
EAN in AOW: to apply, you MUST do an EAN dive. If you already have EAN card via simulated dives, do a supervised dive and it counts. AOW course materials do not include EAN content, so AOW student needs to buy EAN course material. If book/video, you are doing half the content for AOW dive, silly not to do the rest. If eLearning, you need to complete full online content and the quiz, so even more foolish not to just finish.
Only oddity I find in this narrative is if the diver did not own EAN course materials. That could be a standards issue.