When I took the rescue diver course, I found it stupid, exceptionally fracking stupid, that there was an expectation that one would have a CPR mask on them while diving to do rescue breathing while towing a
body subject back to shore or boat.
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On the range, I'm paring back from a great big, well, medium, industrial first aid kit* to a small box w/ a couple of CAT tourniquets, a couple of Israeli bandages, a pair of compact chest seals, some quick-clot type gauze for packing, gloves, and the phone number to the radio room and the nearest Level 1 trauma center (12 miles distant).
*I am gonna forgo the aspirin, antacids, and bandaids I've been toting in that kit; if someone has a boo-boo or a headache, they can schlep their happy ass up to the range house for those kinds of things.