Because they all use only three cells.Why would all the other manufacturers tell you to chuck cells after 12 to 18 month if they are still very relibable?
Can't use one as you don't know if it's failing.
Can't use two as you don't know which one is failing.
Use three as you don't get many two-cell failures.
Except... on my MOD1 third dive, I had TWO cells fail. How could I possibly know that as a complete novice? Simples; I have the other two cells telling me that one cell was right and two cells were wrong.
(Reason was one wasn't good and the second was slow as some water was on the cell face.)
Yesterday I noticed that one cell was reading a bit higher than the others. 4 vs 1 is fine. Interestingly it's the cell I replaced in February. I will be swapping it to a different position -- onto the Nerd -- and I'll dive it next weekend and keep a close eye on it (like it's on the Nerd...).
On a three cell machine, it's deadly serious. On a five cell machine, less so.