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Is what I am talking about doing, going diving from my dads boat a strange thing? It seems like everyone thinks Im crazy. With all the boats in the panhandle of FL and all the rich old geezers like my dad are people not diving like that or does everyone only dive off chartered trips with 2 or more DM's?

Not at all, I dive off my boat all the time. We generally run 4 to 6 people on board with different groups up and down so the boat is not tended
Is what I am talking about doing, going diving from my dads boat a strange thing? It seems like everyone thinks Im crazy. With all the boats in the panhandle of FL and all the rich old geezers like my dad are people not diving like that or does everyone only dive off chartered trips with 2 or more DM's?


We don't think you're crazy...we just want you to be safe and to realizw what all is involved. As a new diver, obvioulsy you are also new to protocol and procedures. We're giving you things to think about...that's all. AS always, I commend new divers for asking questions rather than thinking thye already know it all.

I am going to assume that the boat has all standard safety equipment per US coast guard standards, but other dive specific safety considerations for the boat.
  • Does the boat have a marine band VHF radio?
  • Oxygen on board and do you all know how to administer it if necessary?
  • Signaling device (s)?
  • Do you know where the nearest hyperbaric chamber is? Do you know how to contact them in the event of an emergency?
  • Diver down flag

Help me out here...I know there's more...what am I missing???
Not at all, I dive off my boat all the time. We generally run 4 to 6 people on board with different groups up and down so the boat is not tended

I think you left off an 'unat'
Depending on the experience, age, and maturity level (I've been around some 50 yr olds that need a good switching) of those actually involved in the diving and operation of the dive boat would determine whether or not I would want to assume the liability of such an outing. Also does your FATHER EXPECT a professional with insurance and experience because if something goes sour it most likely will be him saying "Hey you helped him plan this and we gave you a free ride out and paid you x dollars to ease our minds and look he got bent" or worse! He will be the one calling the lawyer. Unfortunately we live in a society where we as divers are supposed to know and assume the risk. Our families, however, are not under any obligation it seems based on past occurences. Especially if the person we are escorting, buddying up with, or helping plan something like diving where there is a genuine risk of serious injury is a minor not related to us. The poster did not specify his age and I'm not saying he is a minor, but the disrespectful "rich old geezer" remark when speaking about one's father is not something you normally hear come from a responsible young man over 18. If my son were to refer to me in this way I'd be on the boat and he'd be scrubbing the dock on his hands and knees. Sorry it's just this generations lack of courtesy and respect for those who provide for them and indulge their every whim with out expecting anything in return burns me up.But that's to be expected from some of them who cannot even pull their pants up or put a proper size shirt on, or the right size hat on straight. Back to the topic at hand. If I'm going to assume responsibility for any action I may take as a diver whether it's in the water or out or whatever action I am assumed to be taking as a guide, buddy, source of info, I want everyone to be crystal clear on what the exact relationship is, before I step on that vessel, accept any form of compensation including air or gas, and know what my responsibilities are or what you think they are. I also would expect the boat operator to be able to provide adequate service to a diver in the water including making it safe to get in and out, being there when we come up (involves keeping track of those below), and mooring in such a way that it does not destroy the coral reef. Which may involve going down and setting the anchor (possibly another expectation and which may also require a seasoned diver who knows what they are doing and can assume responsibility if something goes wrong with this.) To me it seems all the more reason to go with a seasoned, established operator. Which I am not but really would like to be someday. Jim, PADI Master Scuba Diver and Divemaster Candidate
Not at all, I dive off my boat all the time. We generally run 4 to 6 people on board with different groups up and down so the boat is not tended

A little different with an instructor with over 1000 dives and a newbie with 0-15 dives and a captain with little or no experience with divers on board.

  • Does the boat have a marine band VHF radio?
  • Oxygen on board and do you all know how to administer it if necessary?
  • Signaling device (s)?
  • Do you know where the nearest hyperbaric chamber is? Do you know how to contact them in the event of an emergency?
  • Diver down flag
Help me out here...I know there's more...what am I missing???
DAN phone #
Procedures in place to use it all?
...The poster did not specify his age and I'm not saying he is a minor, but the disrespectful "rich old geezer" remark when speaking about one's father is not something you normally hear come from a responsible young man over 18. If my son were to refer to me in this way I'd be on the boat and he'd be scrubbing the dock on his hands and knees. Sorry it's just this generations lack of courtesy and respect for those who provide for them and indulge their every whim with out expecting anything in return burns me up...

I skimmed right over that remark when reading his post...however, i have deduced from the nature of other comments that Ty is young and has probably been overindulged a bit...I'm guessing right out of high school or early 20's. I'm totally with you Jim...this attitude and behavior is maddening!
Is what I am talking about doing, going diving from my dads boat a strange thing? It seems like everyone thinks Im crazy. With all the boats in the panhandle of FL and all the rich old geezers like my dad are people not diving like that or does everyone only dive off chartered trips with 2 or more DM's?

There are thousands of boater/divers that go out on any nice weekend in Florida. They dive without Instructors, Divemasters, accidents or incidents.

I started diving from my boat about 30 years ago, it was a small boat and going in and out the inlet was the most dangerous part of the trip. I continue to dive off my boat or friends boats and only dive with a charter if there is a group I know going.

We usually fish in the morning hours and as the day warms up head underwater. The freedom of diving where and when you want can't be beat.

There have been a lot of good points brought up about safety, VHF radio ops, DAN, and the nearest chamber. With freedom comes the responsibility for yourself and those diving with you. Hook up with some local divers that boat dive, know the ropes and soon you'll be out there on your own. I'm sure your dad enjoys having you out there with him.
Well I did not think of the age of the diver either but I will still make this remark. I'm new to diving also, but if you and everyone who is suppose to be on this dive are ALL certified divers, I would explain to pops that you all have been properly trained for this and you will look out for each other. Me and my Fiancee were very nervous our first unguided dive, but it only took minutes before all of that faded. Just promise him you won't exceed certain depths and won't go beyond your comfort level. After dad sees you can do it safely maybe he won't be as nervous in the future. But if your going to continue diving on a regular basis your going to have to take it to the next level eventually and dive without a guide or proffesional on stand by. Good luck either way!!!

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