DM Dilema

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I haven't taken the DM class yet. I am going to in August.

The instructor is someone who works at the same company as I do, I'll talk to him to see what he says about it. Maybe he can do some sort of DM orientation to possibly weed him out of the class.

BTW, he says he has the 20 dives to start the DM class, but he wants to have the 60 needed to finish DM before he starts.
jhnsndn once bubbled...
I haven't taken the DM class yet. I am going to in August.

The instructor is someone who works at the same company as I do, I'll talk to him to see what he says about it. Maybe he can do some sort of DM orientation to possibly weed him out of the class.

BTW, he says he has the 20 dives to start the DM class, but he wants to have the 60 needed to finish DM before he starts.

Isn't it interesting that he feels he needs to lie about his experience?

It really doens't matter what excuse he is using to fool himself, you letting him (try to) fool others is potentially life threatening to someone. The Divemaster and Instructor ranks are not exclusive, everyone is welcome, everyone that has earned the right to be there that is.
20 dives to start the DM class????

How much lower can we go.....I just looked this up, and am fairly disgusted.

it takes a minimum of 20 dives to even have the certification necessary to apply to be a DM....then you only need 5 more dives to meet minimum requirements....what a joke....

No wonder the industry is going to hell in a hand basket....I am somewhat blinded to the policies and standards because I volunteer through a university and we set our own, which are obviously a "little" higher than that of the agencies we certify through.....

O.K...I think I'm gonna :puke:
I think instead of telling someone else, you should confront your friend. Tell him that if he lies you will not take the class with him, you will not dive with him, and you will never respect him.

If he blows you off & fakes his log anyway, then you know what he thinks of you, and should no longer have any question as to what to do.
HarleyDiver is right on. You have to start with direct confrontation, lay it on the line, only if your buddy won't listen should you tell someone else and if he doesn't you should feel compelled to do so.
I agree this is not a great situation and 20 dives is not adequate to complete a DM course but ...he still has to pass the course.

The Instructor will pick up in no time that this is an inexperienced diver but he will be required to meet the standard of the Agency he is teaching for.

If this requires 80 more dives to reach that level then that will have to happen.

I would still recomend talking to the diver and urging him to come clean with the instructor.

I'd take the instructor aside and tell him. I normally like to stay out of situations like this, but this involves the lives of others.

Talking to your classmate probably won't do you any good, he has already made his mind up to be dishonest, why would he come clean now?

Sheesh. Some people. :shakeno:
Hopefully the Instructor isn't needy/greedy for PADI points and signs off on a DM cert knowing that the diver doesn't have enough dives!! Everyone loses in this situation.

DM is a level where you can be personally liable if an accident happens anytime you are diving. People assume that if you are a DM then you are capable of saving their butts regardless of what they do wrong. That MUST be taken seriously.

If your instructor or LDS isn't concerned enough to punt this guy I'd go to a more reputable shop.
Get the instructor together with the shop owner/manager and tell them that you have been told by a dm candidate that he is faking dives in order to do the course. If they can't figure it out then, IMO, they either aren't smart enough to teach the course or don't care. All they want is the almighty dollar. IF they refuse to do anything about it, find another dive shop.

I know of an instructor that would do his dm candidates in a similar manner. A couple of his dm candidates would do 10-15 minutes bottom time then 10 on the surface in order to log a dive. He not only knew it, he would take them to a local quarry in order for them to get the required number of dives. He told me himself that one of his students had done 10 dives on a weekend. All of this was over a course of approximately 4 hours total. Not only do I no longer respect him I refuse to have anything to do with him or his students.

If he will lie about his dive log he'll lie about anything else. Steer clear of him
I'm trying to get to the point where I can take a DM class and am also hoping by Aug to be ready but if not I'll hold off till next year.

I would confront your buddy, explain your concerns about him and be honest. If he's your buddy he'll take the advise and be better off. He can still start the class but will still need 40 more dives before getting the cert. If he doesn't take the friendly advise then I would suggest that it will be your professional obligation to let the instructor know. Either way this is a burden your buddy forced on you, if he doesn't take the advise then he wasn't much of a buddy to begin with.

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