There's a shop not to far from here that was still using, as recently as 10 years ago (and maybe still is, I haven't been there since then) a huge old 1950's 2400 psi compressor, a ScubaAmp added in the '60s to bring it up to 3000 psi, and a filter consisting of a 63 c.f. aluminum tank completely filled with carbon. The tank has a nicely made special fitting in place of the valve, which has a dip tube that goes all the way to the bottom so the air had to go the full depth of the carbon, however there was no dessicant, no baffles to prevent channeling, or anything to control how tightly the carbon was packed - is suspect the carbon actually blows about whenever the air flows. And since the tank was mounted upright, no way to drain it. The owner assured me it was a factory job, which he'd bought with the compressor, and boasted about how much money he'd saved over the years by not having to buy expensive cartridges.
Ah yes, the not so good "old days" :11: