Diving without your SO

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Apparently, wives are these unreasonable b**ches who continually stand between you and your happiness. Get a divorce then and you can dive until your lungs pop !:bangboom:
She said to go and have fun. AND SHE MEANT IT. My wife is very independent and she tells me the truth (most of the time), especially when is comes to things like this.

Sounds to me like you guys have it going on! Have a nice dinner or relaxing drink (or whatever) and talk to her about it. Seems like her past record indicates she's pretty happy spending some time independently and encourages you to do the same. Can't see the problem here :)

FWIW - hubby is a diver but not as keen as I to do it all the time. In Coz he hung out in the hammock in the morning while I dived then we spent most of the rest of the day together (except when I went shore diving :wink: ) Worked pretty well.
My wife doesn't dive but I always try and get her to go with me when I go, and she usually does. She went on the Blackbeards trip and had a ball-snorkled, tanned, read, took pictures, collected shells, rode in the dingy. She goes to the lakes and rivers and has a grand time-shoots the breeze, swims, zips up my suit, socializes with the rest of the folks. She's my best friend ever and makes all of life, including diving, worthwhile.

Those times when she doesn't go I still have a good time but she's definately missed. There are times when we have alone time, I think there has to be, but not on dive trips if I can help it.
A major key, I think, is to make sure that she is doing something fun while you are diving, even if it is something completely different. I know my GF's attitude when I come home from diving or racing and she has been working or cleaning is completely different than if she has been out doing something fun. (of course, my attitude when she is out having fun is positive whether I am having fun or not)
I dive, hubby does not. He is not interested and will not fly anyway. He doesn't like water deeper than him unless it is a pool. (yes, he can swim.) He is fine with me going on a dive trip without him. Just as I am fine with him going on a motorcycle trip for several days without me. I enjoy riding, just not for hundreds of miles and camping out. We both understand we have some different interests and do not want to squash the interest or desire. We also trust each other completely. I enjoy listening to his stories of his adventure and he enjoys listening to mine as well as sharing the pictures.
We have been together over 26 yrs and married for 22 and still very happy. He is my best friend and I his. As Porcufin said, I miss him on trips and he has stated that he has missed me as well on his trips, but we also know the other would not be having as much fun as we are. Makes the homecoming all the better.
I would LOVE to dive with my SO... all I have to do is meet her!
I did 18 dives over a three week time with a non-diving spouse, and 11 year old son.

While it generally worked out OK, there were times when it was less than best.

This with my wife having the company of my son. I guess it will depend upon if your wife truely enjoys alone time, or if she is just being nice and saying what you want to hear. Unfortunately, I'm guessing the later.

I would NOT attempt to get your wife into diving, however does she have any interest in snorkeling? Maybe she would enjoy time on the boat?

Dude, this is marriage, and while some may say they have all the answers, it's your show, and up to you to determine what is going to work

Good Luck.
My wife is my dive buddy, business partner, workout partner, climbing partner, golf, snowboarding, pretty much everything partner... We are always together... honestly, it makes some people ill... So anyway... there it is.
My wife and I both got certified at the same time, however, I like diving much more than she does. I have 3 times as many logged dives as she does. I would like to spend our whole vacation diving all day long but she does not . We both go diving in the AM on vacation then we do what she wants for the rest of the day. Here in New England she does not like to dive because of the water temp and she was getting a little upset with my obcession(sp) going at least once a week so I bought her a dry suit now she goes with me a lot more. I did get her to dive as late as Nov 3rd but I think that will be her last dive until May up here.

I think you will just have to find the right combination, dive in the AM and do what she wants for the rest of the day. She may become interested when you talk about some of the experience but as the others said don't force her in to it. I do like diving with my wife she is a good buddy.

Apparently, wives are these unreasonable b**ches who continually stand between you and your happiness. Get a divorce then and you can dive until your lungs pop !:bangboom:

WOW!! WHat a strange response. :shocked: I didn't read that into ANY of the posts. Seems like a pretty thoughtful group to me!!!!

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