Diving with the Bull sharks

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The article is from November 23, 2012.

I suspected as much.:shakehead:

Bunch of crap like so many myths about sharks.

It's because of made up and exaggerated stories such as this that sharks are permitted to be over fished and killed to the point of extinction.
Wrong point.

The point is until the incident happens, the consequences are disregarded. Only after an incident happens do we snap out of it and everybody looks at each other and says "Well Duh? W-T-F do you think was going to happen?"

Book mark post #16 on this thread and come back next year or 2 years or 3 years from now or as long as it takes and then you can post a reply of "W-T-F were we thinking?"

By-the-way, how do you like diving great whites with no cages? Pretty fun huh? Hang on... Oops my bad, you don't dive with great whites outside of cages? What
's up with that. We'll, I think that's how so many myths about sharks get started - it's because of made up and exaggerated stories of people needing to dive in cages when diving with great white sharks that sharks are permitted to be over fished and killed to the point of extinction.
Wrong point.

The point is until the incident happens, the consequences are disregarded. Only after an incident happens do we snap out of it and everybody looks at each other and says "Well Duh? W-T-F do you think was going to happen?"

Book mark post #16 on this thread and come back next year or 2 years or 3 years from now or as long as it takes and then you can post a reply of "W-T-F were we thinking?"

By-the-way, how do you like diving great whites with no cages? Pretty fun huh? Hang on... Oops my bad, you don't dive with great whites outside of cages? What
's up with that. We'll, I think that's how so many myths about sharks get started - it's because of made up and exaggerated stories of people needing to dive in cages when diving with great white sharks that sharks are permitted to be over fished and killed to the point of extinction.

I disagree. You posted a fake AP report, using a fake reporter's name. Not a well received tactic around here. Your intent was to decieve and to scare, if not, why not post the future date to start with.

Those who have dove with these animals (without chum) have come away with a better understanding and respect for them. It takes the villan out of them.

As for comparing them to great whites.....apples to oranges. Just another attempt to scare people.

I don't care if people dive with them or not. But when divers show an interest in the experience, I think they should be given facts and they can then choose for themselves.
Calling me out?


Intent was to decieve and to scare?

Wow, somebody is taking themselves W A Y too seriously.

We're talking about a shark dive here not something as serious as should John or Kate get back together.


I like your point about profit perhaps taking precedence over best sense and the suggestion that government regulations/standards may be an approach thats needed.

I do also share the view with my other two boarders that your point would have been better made if you had indicated this was a fictional article. I did believe this was a real article and pleased this has now been corrected.

I dont want to knock the dive ops carrying out the dives, because I can understand the pressure they are under to meet diver wishes. But I do wonder about the emergency assistance planning or lack of it for a bull shark dive. Are these dive operators or Playa emergency services prepared to handle the significant blood loss that would occur from a bull shark bite ?

However, people do dangerous sports all the time. At the end of the day, it has to be down to whether the divers understand and are willing to undertake the risks. If there is a diver demand to swim with sharks, it is probably better that the activity is managed by dive operations (rather than people doing their own dives (because dive ops cannot)). I also assume that the dive operations will have or will gain knowledge to plan these types of dives to minimize as much as possible the risks.

Its an interesting subject. Sounds all like a thrilling dive (provided you live to tell the tale !).

diving with sharks is an amazing experience. I didn't know that they were doing it in Playa, I've never heard of anyone doing it with bulls. It probably will end badly, but people are going to die scuba diving in Cozumel too.
The article is from November 23, 2012.

That would have been pertinent to include with your "quote". I'm not in favour of chumming but I like to be sure that info under consideration is true. Look at what's happened with Climategate and the credibility of that cause.
I dont want to knock the dive ops carrying out the dives, because I can understand the pressure they are under to meet diver wishes. But I do wonder about the emergency assistance planning or lack of it for a bull shark dive. Are these dive operators or Playa emergency services prepared to handle the significant blood loss that would occur from a bull shark bite ?

Another good point I have asked myself too.

Scuba board members beat other members into quivering piles of submission time and time again about pre-dive planning, air planning, emergency this or that.

Here's another article I found

"Bull shark dive plan is no plan. A dive master when asked by a potential customer what the plan is should something go horribly wrong on this dive and you are fully exposed on a sandy bottom in 80 feet of water with a bull shark exhibiting aggressive posturing or making aggressive passes at you? Dive master replies - best plan is to pretend to be a rock, a piece of coral or perhaps a bigger bull shark, or remember I don't have to be the fastest swimmer down there, just faster then you:D"

And for those who need it (the above was made up, dive master doesn't exist)

Funny? Maybe, but it's also meant to maybe ask the question here that you should be asking a dive op taking you on this dive.
Well if I do the dive I`m picking a short, fat, hungover dm to take me out. And I`m taking my knife just in case he can swim fast.

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