Medic of One:Personally, I would forgo any more dives at least until you get the condition under control (a year since your last seizure)
I thought rule of thumb was 6 months seizure-free? Isn't that when epileptics are medically released to drive/ operate machinery again? (not that lots of epileptics don't drive anyway)
<the faint of heart may not care to continue reading>
I know that this is not the PC thing to say, but if I had a history of seizures but was now under control, I would still dive. I do understand that it creates a risk to a potential rescuers... but everyone learns in Rescue the #1 rule is do not kill yourself trying to save another diver.
I know that there are millions of people who get on the road and drive their cars with dementia, seizure disorder, prescription painkillers, and morphine pumps who should not be driving and those people endanger all other drivers and pedestrians near them. Most people are on the road at least a couple hours a day and yet you and I are still alive! Yet we get so worked up about the danger of diving! Life is dangerous, we just live the most productive life we can and try to keep risks to a reasonable limit.
As I said above, I would wait until my disorder was under control and I would be religious about medications. But I would not give up something I love. If you are scared by my attitude, I live in Austin, Texas and you can make a point to never dive with me. I just felt I had to say this.