Diving Trip CanCun to Cozumel BLUE XT

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Staying in CanCun and ferrying to Cozumel is somewhat of an extra challenge and cost but it is worth it for the diving. The only thing I'd recommend is check with the schedule of ferry times. Some times posted on the internet are incorrect such as early morning ferry to Cozumel at 7:00 a.m. is not correct. There is none. Also there is not a 1:00 ferry from Cozumel back to the mainland. If you are planning a ferry around your dive reservations take note especially for a morning dive.


I was looking forward to diving with Christi and Blue XT until I run into the schedule problem on first of 3 days I had reserved well in advance coming from the USA. First of all calling locally in Mexico as well as calling home is one of the biggest hastles you'll ever face on vacation. Arriving at our resort on the CanCun side late on Sunday before my Monday reserved dive and not able to make a call to confirm with Chrisiti at Blue XT ended up to be bite me. I thought I had plenty of time to get to the 7:00 ferry and then make it to the meeting point at 8:30 for my dive. Well, I was surprised to find out no ferry leaves at 7:00 so I had to wait until 8:00. I immediately found a phone by ferry to call phone number accross to Blue XT office and used a mans cell phone that had calling capabilities in Mexico. Just got answering machine and left a message that I'd be 30 minutes late. When I arrived at pick up point it was 8:35 a.m. Nobody there and I waited for until 9:00 and then found a local phone to call office again. Only answering machine. I then called Christi's cell phone and only got her voice mail. I waited for 2 hours on the pier after leaving a message on there office phone and her cell phone. I finally reached her on her cell phone after 10:30 and I was very disappointed to the tone of her voice that she was upset with me for not being there. I understand that she has business to run and a no show is hard to swallow. But everything I went through to book in advance and not knowing the ferry not operating on the 7:00 time was a surprise. Christi was very defensive in that she was not willing to work with me on re-scheduling but instead she told me that I would not get my money back for dive. I had reserved the 3 day dives and had to send 33% of money as a deposit and I ended up out $73.00 before I even got a chance to go diving. I was very disappointed in Blue XT. One other review I read about Blue XT is that they are the best out of all dive shops about returning your e-mails and communicating but I will say this, once you get over there things change.

I continued my diving in Cozumel through SCUBA Club Cozumel the remainder of week. Had a great time and they were willing to hold boat every day for 30 minutes to wait for me to come over on 8:00 ferry.

I wish I could give Blue XT a better review but my decisions are based on first impressions.
What you experienced is exactly why I advise folks who insist on staying in Cancun to dive the mainland instead of Cozumel. The efficiencies in communication and transportation that we take for granted in the States are NOT the universal way of doing things; Mexico is more laid back. Expressing impatience when things don't happen exactly when you want them to will not win you any friends there.

I do not know Christi personally (I am looking forward to meeting her on my next trip to Cozumel in May), but I can sympathize with her. She is trying to run her business and coordinate with divers that are staying there on the island in different hotels (no easy task), and suddenly she has to make allowances for one diver who has taken on the logistical nightmare of trying to have his cake and eat it too by diving Cozumel by day and doing Cancun by night. I am happy for you that you were able to get a dive op to wait a half hour for you every morning, but I am glad I was not another diver in that group.
Kyle G. Anderson:
I continued my diving in Cozumel through SCUBA Club Cozumel the remainder of week. Had a great time and they were willing to hold boat every day for 30 minutes to wait for me to come over on 8:00 ferry.
I have to say this sounds like more of a reason NOT to dive with Scuba Club. How many other people on this boat had to wait an extra half hour for you?
James Goddard:
I have to say this sounds like more of a reason NOT to dive with Scuba Club. How many other people on this boat had to wait an extra half hour for you?

I agree with James. I would not be happy to have to wait an additional half hour on other divers who can't make the boat on time. The DO owes more care to those who are ready to leave at the agreed time than they do to those who, how unfortunate it may be, are not able to make the boat on time. Those who are ready should not suffer others undo care.
I agree with James. I would not be happy to have to wait an additional half hour on other divers who can't make the boat on time. The DO owes more care to those who are ready to leave at the agreed time than they do to those who, how unfortunate it may be, are not able to make the boat on time. Those who are ready should not suffer others undo care.

Without knowing the particulars... have any of you thought that maybe Scuba Club scheduled the boat to leave at 8:30 with the blessings of the other divers? Just playing Devil's Advocate :drejnd:
Here's my question--when you found out there was no 7am ferry and you knew you'd be late, why did you not call Christi's cell phone instead of her office phone? She leaves her house early every morning to get to the marina and get everything ready for the day's dives so she isn't in her office. Had you called her cell phone, even if you just got her voice mail, she would have known you wouldn't be at the pick-up point before she wasted the gas to get all the way up there.

I'm sorry, but this is why there are no-refund policies. Businesses have to enforce these rules because otherwise peope would just book and not show up all the time. You even admit that you weren't able to call Sunday night to confirm--my question is, why not? You could have called her office or cell phone and either talked to her or left a message. And a little advance research on the ferry schedule would have eliminated this whole situation--Christi shouldn't have to pay for your lack of planning. Giving her a poor review because of something that was your fault is just bad form.

I agree with the others--if you stay in Cancun, you should dive in Cancun or Playa because as you found out, the hassles of trying to coordinate diving on Cozumel just aren't worth it.
So you messed up, and there was no 0700 ferry. Christi is out the revenue from the seat she saved you on the boat and refunds your money anyway. She won't work with you by holding the boat for 30 minutes on subsequent days when you could have, instead, taken the 0600 ferry and arrived on time and this is an indication of HER poor service? I think it is an indication of a self-absorbed person that expects others to cater to their whims. Why should other divers wait for you? Grow up!

Without knowing the particulars... have any of you thought that maybe Scuba Club scheduled the boat to leave at 8:30 with the blessings of the other divers? Just playing Devil's Advocate :drejnd:

I figure if the guy caught the 8 am ferry from Playa, then he got to Scuba Club at 9 at the very earliest.

It's a 40-45 minute crossing, then he's got to get off the ferry and immediately run the length of the pier to the taxi stand, assuming he hasn't checked any of his gear. Then there's the taxi ride to SCC and the mad dash through the hotel to get to the dock to meet his fellow divers who have been watching the other dive boats heading out to the dive sites for about an hour.

Maybe they were all cool with that, but I wouldn't be.
Kyle G. Anderson:

Staying in CanCun and ferrying to Cozumel is somewhat of an extra challenge and cost but it is worth it for the diving. The only thing I'd recommend is check with the schedule of ferry times. Some times posted on the internet are incorrect such as early morning ferry to Cozumel at 7:00 a.m. is not correct. There is none. Also there is not a 1:00 ferry from Cozumel back to the mainland. If you are planning a ferry around your dive reservations take note especially for a morning dive.

Curious why you would go to the extra challenge, cost, and lost time of staying in Cancun if you want to dive in Cozumel. Why didn't you just stay in Cozumel? I've seen Cancun and personally prefer the island a great deal more.

I'm heading for Mexico this weekend. We are on the mainland two days in Akumel, then ferry across and stay in Coz for the rest of the week. No hassles, no worries.
Curious why you would go to the extra challenge, cost, and lost time of staying in Cancun if you want to dive in Cozumel. Why didn't you just stay in Cozumel? I've seen Cancun and personally prefer the island a great deal more.

I'm heading for Mexico this weekend. We are on the mainland two days in Akumel, then ferry across and stay in Coz for the rest of the week. No hassles, no worries.

Yo freakin' tam bien! The guy spent a considerable portion of every dive day beating it over to Cozumel in time to dive and schlepping back to Cancun. It's at least a couple of hours each way, and that's if you're constantly in a rush. It makes me tired just thinking about it. That sounds a lot like my life here in the States; it's what I go down there to escape from.

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