Mark Carrig
Hi Danny, thanks for the response.
Did you dive North Pond ? I'm curious how polluted that one is as Middle's got all the houses, and has been known to have issues.
But people are still swimming and skiing on the lakes. Not sure how healthy the fish are, do people still eat what they catch ?
I know there was a milifoil (?) issue on North pond a few years back and that gave major issue. And I'm sure with all the trees around that lake there are lots of decaying matter from the leaves as well.
Don't want to end up face deep in nasty mud and goodness knows what !
Did you dive North Pond ? I'm curious how polluted that one is as Middle's got all the houses, and has been known to have issues.
But people are still swimming and skiing on the lakes. Not sure how healthy the fish are, do people still eat what they catch ?
I know there was a milifoil (?) issue on North pond a few years back and that gave major issue. And I'm sure with all the trees around that lake there are lots of decaying matter from the leaves as well.
Don't want to end up face deep in nasty mud and goodness knows what !