To be a successful innovation in scuba, you need to hit a couple of requirement. First, it has to markedly improve either the diving experience, safety or both. Dive computers markedly improved safety and extended bottom times-it’s a hit. BCD-improved safety and with the addition of LP inflators improved the dive experience- it’s a hit. Nitrox-i proved dive experience by reducing nitrogen load and extending bottom time- it’s a hit.
All of these things were able to scale up and become less expensive. I don’t see how this improves either safety or the diving experience. The OP, and I appreciate the time and he spent so he give us more information and his insights, said his wife was not that interested in continuing the use of this system on future trips.
If it reduced the out of water weight of equipment by 35% or extended dive time by 40%, I could see it develop as popular add on. Right now, I would say buy a Dive Talk Go. It advertises to do everything this wants to do and can probably deliver (haven’t tried that yet, either, but it is in the same price range).
All of these things were able to scale up and become less expensive. I don’t see how this improves either safety or the diving experience. The OP, and I appreciate the time and he spent so he give us more information and his insights, said his wife was not that interested in continuing the use of this system on future trips.
If it reduced the out of water weight of equipment by 35% or extended dive time by 40%, I could see it develop as popular add on. Right now, I would say buy a Dive Talk Go. It advertises to do everything this wants to do and can probably deliver (haven’t tried that yet, either, but it is in the same price range).