Diving Pompano Beach, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale by the Sea?

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Last minute cancellations are a real problem in that area. I have started entire threads on the topic. I will relate an experience I had with South Florida Diving Headquarters to illustrate the problem and suggest a solution.

I arrived at SFDH, did all the paperwork, paid, and boarded the boat. I was early, as I almost always am on such trips. As I was setting up my gear, an obviously unhappy DM got on the boat and told me that everyone else scheduled to go on the trip had canceled. Since it was now so late and I was already on board, they had decided to run the trip anyway, so it would just be the two of us. (One other diver did show up later.) The DM explained what he perceived to be the problem. Because ALL the operations in the area had a reputation for canceling trips at the last minute if there weren't enough people signed up, the local customers often register for several trips and then pick the best one from the ones that actually run. His solution was to take credit card numbers and charge for cancellations.

That was not my solution. I once woke up the morning of a dive and realized I had gotten sick. I decided I should not dive because of this, but it was a close call. If I were going to be charged for the dive if I did not show up, I might have decided to go for it and done a dive I should have called. A very important rule of diving is that any diver can call any dive at any time for any reason without any repercussions, and charging for a called dive would contradict that rule. It should be very rare that a diver needs to cancel a dive, but it should be allowed.

My solution is different--lose the reputation for canceling dives at the last minute. A dive operation I have used in Cozumel has a number of boats, and their policy is that if a dive is scheduled, the dive will run, even if all but one customer cancels. As a consequence, no one double books with them. If you know a boat is going to go no matter what (except, of course, for weather), why would you book somewhere else as a backup? Of course, people might still book your trip as a backup to another trip that may or may not run, but if they know you are going to run no matter what, they don't have to do that, either. They just have to head your way if the other one cancels, knowing they can walk on at the last minute.

I said earlier that I stopped using one of the operators in that area because of their reputation for cancellations. I don't even look at their online schedule any more. It seems to me that if all the operators in the area had a policy of going out on any trip after a certain reasonable deadline for cancellation, then no one would do multiple bookings and that problem wold go away.
Diving in SE FL can be tough sometimes. Some of it is nobody's fault, some of it is the operator's fault, some of it is the diver's fault. I've been diving in SE FL since 2009, have owned a townhouse in Hypoluxo since 2011, and have nearly 650 dives there. There are many fine operators, I've ended up with a primary list of 5 that I use most frequently because of quality service and reliability. Boynton Beach is my favorite location and closest to my house. I use Underwater Explorers, Loggerhead, and Starfish out of Boynton Harbor Marina. I also use Jupiter Dive Center out of Jupiter and Narcosis out of West Palm. Of course, I can also dive Blue Heron Bridge from Shore.

The weather and seas in SE FL can be tough at times, particularly late Fall, Winter, and early Spring. The inlets are not all created equal. Boynton Beach is the toughest, Jupiter is in the middle, Palm Beach/Lake Worth is the most forgiving. If I can't get out in Boynton, I may be able to get out in Jupiter or Palm Beach. It is not always possible to predict what the seas are going to be like or if a trip will be going. Particularly in Boynton, a look at the inlet in the morning is sometimes needed. If an operator knows they will not be going out, it's extremely helpful if they can cancel the day before to give you a chance to scramble for another ride. It's been my experience that locals are sometimes fickle with regard to sea conditions and tend to cancel at the last minute. You can argue, why not, they can go out anytime they want and not get beat up on the ride? The reason is that other divers and the operators are counting on them to show up for the trip. My general philosophy is that if the boat goes, the divers should go unless they cancel in a timely manner. A 24 hour cancellation window is generally quite reasonable. I agree with @boulderjohn, a valid excuse, like illness, could be exempt from the cancellation window charge. If an operator simply has too few divers to make the trip worthwhile, again, they should cancel the day before to allow the diver to make alternative arrangements. I can't comment on divers making multiple reservations and reneging on some. I'm sure it happens, but it is not acceptable and should be covered under the cancellation window policy. My doctors and other health professionals have a cancellation policy, my dentist has a cancellation policy, the woman who cuts my hair has a cancellation policy. I have no problem with my scuba operator having a cancellation policy. For all of these, I show up when promised or cancel in a timely manner.

The weather and seas can be a challenge. I trust the operators I use to show good judgement and keep everyone safe. Divers and operators should do their best to be considerate and reliable. As much advance notice as possible is good for everyone. Vote with your feet, support operators that treat you well, let them know how much you appreciate them and treat them well too. Things will not always go perfectly, everyone should be understanding when they don't and celebrate when they do.

Good diving, Craig

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