This thread has gotten funny. Reminds me of the disbelief I get when I tell people I prefer diving here (well, thinking of Kona mostly, but Oahu to some extent) than the Caymans. Sure, all that soft coral is nice, but after you have seen it a few times...............you notice there are not so many fish around.
What struck me was the drastically different quantity of critters we have here. I guess swimming in a cloud of Moorish Idols or having the dive being oriented toward finding the elusive Flame Angel, Frogfish, or Viper moray kind of spoils you. A dive in Hawaii is sort of like Forrest Gump, you never know what you will come up with.
Yeah, I have dove a few barren spots, but they were not barren other dives, just that day, things change constantly. To judge Hawaii diving by a couple crappy sites/operators is dumb.
What struck me was the drastically different quantity of critters we have here. I guess swimming in a cloud of Moorish Idols or having the dive being oriented toward finding the elusive Flame Angel, Frogfish, or Viper moray kind of spoils you. A dive in Hawaii is sort of like Forrest Gump, you never know what you will come up with.
Yeah, I have dove a few barren spots, but they were not barren other dives, just that day, things change constantly. To judge Hawaii diving by a couple crappy sites/operators is dumb.