Airforce Diver
Well, the diving off the north tip of Vancouver Island, BC has been my absolute favorite diving of any that I've ever done. And I have gone to most of the propular caribbean sites, as well as all the main Hawaiian Islands, except Kauai. (disclaimer: I have not been diving in the South Pacific)
The creatures, the walls, the SIZE of the critters, all make it magical. But, yes, it is cold, cold, cold!
HUA, to that!! I must admit Living on the glorious WET coast of Vancouver Island and soon to be diving off Oahu, while I'm deployed to Hawaii, I think this thread missed the boat a few pages ago, it went from a simple yes or no about a time share to a perverbile penial measuring contest about the best places to dive in the world, a simple answer to the question would have been there is water there, therefore there is diving. I mean I have dove some pretty stupid lakes and rivers for the sake of diving, the people in question are new to the sport. They would proly be happy with what most around here would call a bottle/garbage dive, just to find stuff to look at underwater.
all that aside where was your fav place off of VI, SEA NMF?