Diving off Cruise Ship

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By the way, wanted to clarify something. Christi at Blue XT Seas is *extremely* accommodating! However, she often has full boats with land-based passengers and can't hold her boat for 1-2 cruise ship passengers. But she is always my first recommendation to try, and she'll do whatever she can to accommodate you if she can.
My family and I have been on a number of cruises over the past 5 years or so, as a matter of fact we were introduced to diving during a visit to Cozumel while on a Royal Carribbean cruise ship.

In regard to the tender situation, I have always booked dive trips during a port visit with the local providers. It is important to us to have our own fast boat and dive at our own speed and not be herded onto a boat of another 20 divers of varying degrees of proficiency. Swimming through silt for an hour because Jethro can't get his buoyancy right is not a vacation. That being said, I have also had to get off the ship quickly to meet the various dive ops.

Don't fall for the crap about not being able to get off on the first tender if you have not booked a ship excursion. They want the suckers that are overpaying for a crappy ship excursion to feel like they're special. (they are "special", but not in a good way) I have been 100% successful in getting off on the first tender after visiting the purser's desk on the ship with a copy of my confirmation info from my provider stating I needed to be at the dock at a certain time. It probably helps that I'm 6'5" and can't get a little loud.... :)

My opinion is if they advertise port times on their itinerary, then it is their responsibility to make those ports available to me during those times. Obviously weather re-routes and such are beyond their control, but you get the idea. And if one purser gives you trouble, come back in an hour, there will be a fresh new one to deal with!

Good luck.

oh, and I concur about Christi at BlueXTsea, I'd start by contacting her in any case, if she can't help you she'll steer you to who can.
We've used 'Scuba with Alison' on all our recent cruise dives. Alison has always been very flexible with the crazy cruise schedules .... the last couple of times we even managed to get in a 3-tank day wih her ... plus it doesn't hurt that she's a riot to hang out with!!:D
I was in Coz in Dec on Royal Carribbean. I had pre-booked a trip with a reputable dive shop prior to the trip. However, we were abandoned at the dock by this shop(I wont get into this again. You can do a search using my name). Fortunently Scuba Cozumel was there was there and took us out. We had a great time with Scuba Cozumel.

We go on an annual cruise and only expierenced one problem with dive operators. The key is planning and research on great boads like this one.

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