Diving EPCOT Living Seas

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Thanks to everyone for the help, I will have to do it next time I am in Florida.

What about that website www.scubavidz.com, where did that come from?
I did it a couple of years ago. Being from Key West the sea life was pretty much what I see all the time. I was buddied with a diver from Iowa who was a little intimidated by the Jewfish. I had more fun perfoming for the kids on the other side of the glass (you can see them just as well as they can see you). I wuold hover and make bubble rings,hang upside down and wave. one small girl (5 or 6 years old) gave me a kiss( the glass was between us though) I hope this made her day as much as mine. I have to believe that I may have inspired at least one of those kids to learn to dive oneday. Yes it is a pricey dive and not one that I would do every day. I have never regretted spending the money but I would regret not making that dive.
My daughter did the dive in December. Loved the expierience. The wife and I are planning on doing it in March.
$140 to dive an aquarium seems pretty steep if you ask me.

How many aquariums have you dove? Probably none! (that is unless your able to crawl into your own fish tank). Remember, Our sport is a captive audience. Sounds to me as if you are a person which looks at the cost before you look at the experience. Your in the wrong sport if that is the case. If you are a true lover of the sport, spend the money, don't worry about $120.00. It's only money and you can't take it with you when you die. erparamedic's write up is better than anything I could have written. His descriptions and humor was well said.

Disney's® EPCOT® Dive Quest® is a tour to which anyone can and will enjoy. If you come out of the experience with anything other than true exileration, man, you need help. This is a dive no matter how shallow the water that is a MUST do for all divers. This is something that will enthrawl you and all who watch. You become part of the the show, No, YOU ARE THE SHOW on this dive.

When a person or persons can make so many people smile in such a short time with out using words, it's priceless. The spectators and diners get to see something that makes them just smile and laugh. The children start to jump up and down giggling. (yes, some get scared but who cares, you don't know them).

Just spend the money, enjoy the tour and get wet. Remember this too,if by chance you run out of air, your only 25feet down, swim to the surface dummy, they will be more than happy to give you another tank of air :rofl3:
When you do this dive don't they supply the Equipment? I thought I heard they did but I'm not sure it's true
Yes they do (and annoyingly insist on setting it up for you).

You can take your own mask and thats about it. I got away with a computer but was told afterwards they arent allowed really either (but by that point i was already jumping in)

You get a shortie which may or may not be warm enough - if you get cold do a few circuits at high speed.
Its a BCD (cant remember the make) with integrated weights (pre-loaded, you get no say in it).

Equipment was in good condition though and its only a 6m tank anyway.
Wife and I did Divequest on the 10th this month - awesome time! We are new divers (this was our 11th dives) and our first in anything with any kind of visibility - all of our time so far has been in quarries. What a difference!

The $140 is worth is as the "experience" -- a Disney tour. Before and after, they took us thru the whole back-stage facility, showing us just about every facet of the operation.

Gear, as mentioned, was top-notch - Atomic regs, scubapro suits/BC/Fins.

We bought our own masks - only about 3 of us out of 12 did so. We also got to try out our new computers (I had read about the "not really permitted" earlier, so we basically just took them, and didn't ask...since they specifically allow a dive watch, I figure a wrist computer counts since it keeps time, right? :) )

The highlight is indeed getting to interact with the guests on the other side of the glass. Wife played rock-scissors-paper with 3 kids, and I'm sure it made their day as well. The night before our dive wYee had reservations in the Coral Reef restaurant and got to see one of the dive groups splash. Late in the dive one of the safety divers came by our window - when I gave him the 'OK' I think he nearly spit his regulator out :)

Yeah, we'd do it again...
Top notch experience all the way around... you get what you pay for, can roam Epcot after the experience and you get a t-shirt too... :)

There are several aquariums across the country that offer unique dive experiences... Baltimore offers a c-card as a "certified" aquarium diver... Mall of America has one... some supply the equipment, others don't... some let you help feed the fish, some don't... but all have one thing in common... more life than you would otherwise find in a single dive elsewhere and very clean, clear water...

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