Diving East Side of Island

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BTW...Here are MY pics from my balcony on Jan 9 and I can attest that the 10th was not much better

My post from Scuba Diving magazine's D2D board:

Rainy, Windy & Cold here in Cozumel (+)


I do find it sad that a handful of individuals use and abuse what I consider to be the best scuba website on the internet to continually post personal attacks against a dive op that has earned so much respect because of the way she apparently runs her business. I say apparently as I have no personal dive experience with Blue XT Sea having been a long time and loyal customer of Living Underwater. While I have no desire or intention of leaving Jeremy, this board has helped me form the opinion that several other dive ops in Cozumel, including, but not limited to Christi and Aldora, would also fit my needs. The value of web based reviews and critiques is that one can look at the preponderance of posts and discount the ones that seem overly filled with too much cheerleading and those that appear to only be vendettas and rely on the opinion of the majority to help make a decision.

I follow several sub-forums on ScubaBoard either because I have dove there or intend to and, in each of them, value the diversity of posts from either other divers or from dive ops that actively participate. The dive ops that I respect the most are the ones who offer up advice and recommendations without blatantly promoting their own shops. It does not bother me when, from time to time, a dive op defends the type and style of service they offer as long as their posts are balanced and recognize that everyone has different needs. I have seen that balance with posts from Dave from Aldora, Christi from Blue XT Sea and, on the mainland, Dennis from Diablo. It is rare that you would see a post from Christi that does not acknowledge that the group of boutique or valet dive ops includes more than her operation. Indeed, in the limited contact I have had with her (my wife and I dropped into her shop to say hi as fellow ScubaBoarders on the last trip) she has never tried to entice me away from Jeremy and has simply promised to say hi on a future surface interval. It was during this visit last Saturday that I overheard her making arrangements for one of her customers to dive the east side with Aldora so I can certainly attest to her claim that she is not afraid to refer customers elsewhere when Blue XT Sea can’t fill a need.

As for not referring a couple of newbie divers when she believed they fell short of the necessary skills for dives that Aldora (at least at the time) called for experienced divers…completely understandable. Both her professional reputation and her legal liability rest on the integrity and accuracy of those recommendations. It is no different when I respond to a reference request from a former employee seeking new employment. If I provide a recommendation beyond what I perceive as the individual’s skill set I risk my reputation and a lawsuit. We never stop learning as divers and one of the first and most important lessons is that we should never dive beyond our capabilities and that there is always room for improvement. At the end of each dive trip with Living Underwater, Jeremy asks me what improvements he can make as a dive op and I, in turn, ask him what I need to do to become a better diver. I can guarantee you when I had nine dives under my weight-belt that no credible dive op would have sent me to sites beyond my limited capability.

Ironically it appears that Bill hasn’t had a bad experience diving with Blue XT Sea and he lauds them in several previous posts. Nonetheless he seems hell bent on slamming her reputation on the basis of what he believes to be a slight. I think it is time to develop some maturity and move on. That doesn’t mean that people should not make posts about negative dive experiences with any dive op…keep them coming as this is how first timers will ultimately determine their choice as to where to spend their money. I would expect that most of the better dive ops would welcome criticism from time to time to prevent their service levels from slipping. The negativity in this particular discussion is petty. If a dive op shorted you time because they surfaced everyone based on the lowest common denominator…valid, if they seemed to compromise safety…even more important, if they didn’t send you to another operator because they believed you not to be ready…that is their right and probably their obligation.

As for the placement of posts and the TOS of this board…those are the rules. Personally I think that the Trips and Local Marketplace sub-forums are generally under-used and infrequently visited and it really wouldn’t bother me if solicitation posts were allowed in the main forum. I would like to think that I am intelligent enough to differentiate between enticement and endorsement but, since I don’t make the rules, it is what it is. On both the Cozumel and Playa forums I see posts that contain words like “come dive with us” and it actually lowers my opinion of the dive op when they troll for business. If you look at the majority of the posts from Dave and Christi you won’t find those words but, instead, great advice and helpful knowledge. No doubt their credibility is enhanced and it is beneficial to their business because of frequent postings but they play within the rules and the forum is available to all ops and not just advertisers.

I come here for knowledge, insider information on restaurants and hotels, constructive and valid criticism about dive operations and balanced reviews that recognize different strokes for different folks. I don’t come here for peeing matches…that I can do in my wetsuit all by myself.
Thank you rossandmaureen. Excellent! Well thought out and you make some very important and valid points. Thank you so much for posting this! You have ever so slightly restored my faith. :wink:

As for the placement of posts and the TOS of this board…those are the rules. Personally I think that the Trips and Local Marketplace sub-forums are generally under-used and infrequently visited and it really wouldn’t bother me if solicitation posts were allowed in the main forum. I would like to think that I am intelligent enough to differentiate between enticement and endorsement but, since I don’t make the rules, it is what it is. On both the Cozumel and Playa forums I see posts that contain words like “come dive with us” and it actually lowers my opinion of the dive op when they troll for business. If you look at the majority of the posts from Dave and Christi you won’t find those words but, instead, great advice and helpful knowledge. No doubt their credibility is enhanced and it is beneficial to their business because of frequent postings but they play within the rules and the forum is available to all ops and not just advertisers.

Very well said. I think this is where the problem is. I see posts with more commercial sounding remarks than this post has/had that were/are allowed. Hell, I've even posted them:D. Dave and Christi both do a great job of explaining their shops benefits without "beating a drum" trying to get more business.
I'm in agreement with the above when certain ops start trolling for work I just skip the post and move on. I think most people here realize this. Seems those trolling posts in the past just fade away on their own. Don't feed the troll and they seem to go away.

I got insomnia this very early Sunday morning=more pix(getting better at this:wink:):

Approach to Hannan for surface interval:

My take along model TVMark:

Tim sneaking in on left with Mark:

Christmas tree thingy:idk::


Mark in one of those many deep cut swim through's (back scatter from being at the back of the conga line):


Here you go Sal... Anchor growing into coral:

kcdiver56 (Cindy) smiling for the camera:D:

Bristle/fireworm thingy?:idk::

I'm wishing I had Mark's Critter id books at this point. Fish?:idk::

Me (Prop Joe) :blinking:with "Diver Duck" above my head and leaky LP inflation hose (gotta fix that:wink:):
Nice pics Joe!
Lots of pristine sea fans. The "thingys" in order are: Christmas tree worm, the nudibranch is actually not a nudibranch at all, but a type of mollusk/gastropod called a Flamingo Tongue (Humann"s Reef Creatures 2nd ed. pg.283). The Worm is a Bearded Fireworm (pg. 143) and the last thingy is a Sand Diver, Pg. 367, Humann Reef Fish (3rd ed.). They are hard to photograph and take off at the slightest movement!
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I have bit my tongue or better said tied down my fingers trying to see if reason would prevail. The attacks got ugly for a bit…I feel Christi’s Dive Operation has been redeemed and although there were some personal attacks to Christi we all can see they are more personal problems than professional ones. I am convinced that BlueXTC, Aldora, Scuba Mau and Living Underwater run a professional, safe, and excellent Dive Operation which caters to their specific market.
That being said, I do want to address the issue of whether any dive operator is taking advantage of Scuba Board for their own business needs. In my opinion…If anyone has the right to put forward that gripe it is us dive operators in Cozumel, really. Speaking of us I do not know anyone who has a problem with Christi or any other dive operator on this forum. The funny thing is, we as operators do NOT have this cut-throat business where we are trying to constantly jockey ourselves past one another. That is not what Cozumel is about and it is not the way we do business here. I am speaking for myself but I am sure this is the general feeling of the other Dive operators is that we want to have the other dive shops do well. We want them to host as many divers as possible and for their guests to return home and to speak wonders of Cozumel, our reefs, the safety of our operations and the topside experience.
In short: If a diver has a great experience with any dive shop they become Ambassador’s of Cozumel which translates to more business for our island and that is what is most important for us. So when I see Christi on this board or any other dive operator I know they are taking care of my business by taking care of theirs. I am proud to be represented by so many professional dive shops and kind people here on Cozumel through this forum.

BTW: Dave, Kudos to you for running your operation on the other side when there are nortes!
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Love the pics, brings back memories of Oct. when I was married in Cozumel. I did get a question answered, thanks to Jenloves2dive, about the tongue. I have seen and taken photos of many of them, but never knew what they were.
As for the dive ops, Aldora has a niche and a good one at that. I know other ops also have niches and its a way to expand their operation as well as attract new customers as well as retain old customers. I have never been diving with Aldora or Blue XT Sea as I have a dive op that certified most of my wifes family and did our AOW. Mestizo divers will travel to the mainland, north side and east side and will never take any more then 6 divers. (sorry shameless plug) Its nice for us cause we just charter the boat since there are 6 of us in the family that dive. Everyone has their own opinions and favorite dive ops. To each their own its just about enjoying the diving.
About diving the East side, I just found this LiquidAsset video on YouTube of Memo from Aldora explaining how they explored it. Don't know when it was shot.
YouTube - East Side Gold

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