Cheetah223:That's why I was wondering if you can use any wing wtih any backplate. I noticed the plates seem to have a few holes in different positions, and the wings seem to have no holes in the same spots from the little I've examined them, so I was curious if I could get a cheap generic plate and put any wing I wanted to on it, etc.
Just to clarify, right now I'm just trying to figure out what I can and learn all I can about BP/W's - you've all hammered it into my head a few times over that they come out on top when compared to a jacket or back inflate BC, so I'm just trying to learn what I can so I can make an educated decision on what to buy.
The only thing "standard" about almost all backplates sold is that they will all have atleast one pair of holes in the center channel that are 11" center to center. Why? Because that's the spacing of the band bolts for securing doubles.
Some backplates will have camstrap slots in the center channel for securing a single tank, some will not. If you choose to directly mount a single tank to the plate without a single tank adapter (STA) you will need slots in the plate, and slots or windows in the center panel of the wing.
If you choose to use a STA virtually any wing and any plate will be compatible. Why? because a STA has bolts protruding at 11" centers.
If you'd like call me. 626-799-5078. I'm around the office today. (You might have to try more than once if I don't hear the phone.) I'd be happy to walk you through the basic assembly of a BP&W. It's really simple if you've you have your hands on the goods, and kinda confusing if you never seen it done.