Ok, it seems I have inadvertently given out misleading info on my earlier post.
I have been trying to track down Raul Platas, see post "Raul Platas" & "Blue Bubble...in Trouble?", who used to work for Blue Bubble, he went to work for Blue XT Sea for a short period of time, and now has is own boat, this is the Raul that I was refering to in my earlier post. Which if anyone did go to Raul Platas website off my like they would notice right away which guy I was talking about as his Photo is on his home page.
Raul Romero, still works for Blue XT Sea, I'm sure this is the Raul that was refered to above.
I did not mean to mislead anyone by not using Raul Platas' last name in my earlier post, but apparently I did and sincerly apologize if I have.
I ment no harm to anyone's reputation or operation, I have in the past and will continue to recommend Blue XT Sea divers to people on the site. Everyone I have personally talked to has had wonderful experiences with them as well as what I have read here on "the Board". I also plan to dive them myself in the future as I would like to promote all good ops on the island.
Thankx so much for y'alls time, God Bless,