Question Diving Cebu in early November

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Apparently, the rainy season extends through December. My interest is Macro (and I'm already getting wet), does the rainy season muck up (pun intended) muck diving?
Apparently, the rainy season extends through December. My interest is Macro (and I'm already getting wet), does the rainy season muck up (pun intended) muck diving?
Only Dumaguete is well known for macro in Visayas or you can try Anda. Romblon belongs to Luzon.
Rain does not has much effect on macro but typhoon is another story. Dumaguete was hit hard by typhoon Sendong in 2011

Escape lightly in 2012.

We went to dive in Feb 2013 and stayed at Liquid. One of my buddy is a keen photographer and had been to the area few times previously. He was very very disappointed because the typhoon(Sendong in 2011) has decimated the macro world that he was familiar with.
I believe the area has recovered.

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