Diving Buddy - San Fran to Monterey Bay on Aug 29th

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Spokane, WA
# of dives
25 - 49
Flying up to San Fransisco from Phoenix for a work convention and would really like to do a couple dives on Sunday the 29th of Aug if I can sneak away! My delima is the drive from San Francisco to Monterey Bay (where I hear is the place to dive)!

I figure someone has to be going down the day to get some diving in... Anyone want a driving companion to keep them company? I'll cover gas :wink: I wouldn't mind diving with you (if you are experienced with the area, as I'm not...) or just having you drop me at a local dive shop so I can pick up gear and get a guide for the day, then head back together.

I don't have a TON of dives under my belt, as I only started diving last year, however I have 6 cold water dives logged off Avalon charter boats in their kelp forests on Long Beach, and took my training in 8mm head to toe. The other 30 or so dives are spanned along the coast of Belize, and out near Ambergris Key. I feel very comfortable in the water, and love following people who know the area :D

Not that it matters, but I'm a 30 year old IT engineer just looking for a day off under the water.

Here is a pic of me and the wife suited up on Casino Point last year (she is staying home this time, as its a work trip.)
I'm planning on diving that weekend, however I live in Santa Cruz (100mi south of SF) so that won't really help your transportation issue. If you can get a ride but still need a buddy (ie get a ride from another buddy pair or something), I'd dive with you.
Appreciate it! Hopefully someone is coming down from SF that day so I can snag a ride!
Depending on where you are in San Francisco, CalTrain down to San Jose really isn't that bad. The times are unkind to drinking and clubbing (last train is super early), but they might be okay for diving. That way you might be able to meet up with a non-SF bay area type on their way down to Monterey. There are public transport options all the way to Monterey (they were compared in a thread earlier this year), but I think the consensus was that they were pretty awful.
I hear ya there. I was born 45 minutes south of SF, lived all my life here, and I still hate to drive in SF.
My life won't be complete unless I dive Monterey. I have it set in my mind now, and can't kick the need.
You can catch a bus from the San Jose caltrain station that'll take you to Santa Cruz as well. Get's you a little further down the way...
Dang... To maximize on time in the water, and not travel, I may just have to rent something... How long is the drive from downtown San Fran on an early Sunday morning?

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