Yeah, we can chat on the phone, I'll PM you.
I dive in a 7mm with only minor discomfort, but a lot of people advocate drysuits. I don't have the financial resources to know any better, so I'm happy with my 7mm

Make sure you have a cutting device of some sort, I'm not sure if that's usually included with rental gear. I use EMT shears from CVS ($4.59+tax). I don't usually rent in Monterey so I'm not sure of the best place, perhaps someone else could chime in on that.
In terms of dives, the Breakwater is excellent and also an easy dive. One tank along the wall and one tank along the pipe to a set of Metridium fields is usually nice. Max depth is around 50', water temperature is low 50s and there's maybe a 200yd shore swim involved. Visibility can be between 5' and 20'. There's a dive shop right at the breakwater, so you can fill tanks during the surface interval and avoid lugging extra metal. That dive shop rents LP85s and probably AL80s, depending on your preference. I'm bad on air so I'll probably grab an LP95 from my LDS in Santa Cruz.
If you have a dive light, especially if it's an LED with a tight beam, you should bring that too. It's nice to poke in between rocks and stuff. If it's a broad beam it'll just reflect off all the stuff in the water though.