Diving and Cosmetics article

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I used Coppertone Sports Gel SPF30 on my face on my recent trip to Bonaire. It dries fast, doesn't run and doesn't wash off as easily as some other brands. Be warned that it does have alcohol in it to make it dry quicker, so you have to make sure you don't get any in your eyes when you apply it.
Re: Sunscreens - I thought you had to be somewhat careful about what you chose to use, especially when diving in reefs since certain ingredients are quite damaging to corrals, etc. Ala: "Reckless recreation: People themselves pose a threat to coral reefs. Tourists collect pieces of coral as souvenirs — whether by breaking a piece directly from the reef or by buying it in a tourist shop. Boats sometimes anchor on reefs, damaging them in the process. Divers sometimes entangle their gear in reefs. Snorkelers also present an unexpected problem: reefs close to shore near major tourist areas have been damaged by poisons from snorkelers' sunscreen. The irony, of course, is that people go to enjoy the reefs and then inadvertently destroy them by not showering before they snorkel." - Cite: http://www.riverdeep.net/current/2001/11/111201_reefs.jhtml

Something I try to consider.

As for makeup - I use Stila's Lash Visor waterproof mascara which is not overly-difficult to get off with soap and water. That's it though, and I usually forget it since I get up so early to meet up with the group, boat, etc. :)
You know, I've often thought about all of the 'crap' we put into the water...via hair conditioners, sunscreen, de-fog drops, etc.

When I wrote my article about "Hoods and Hair"...I contemplated the effects of the sea when advising conditioner lathered into the hair. Two tablespoons conditioner...times 2.4 million certified female divers in U.S. alone...times how many dives per year????

In the "land world" there are easy, though sometimes phony, solutions to eco-friendly products. But how do you choose a sunscreen...or a hair conditioner...that won't harm sea life? Especially when we really don't have ANY idea what does...and in what strength...harm each area of the aquatic world.

Honestly, at this point, we aren't sure what effects man is having on the underwater world.

And if the choice comes to putting a film of sunscreen into the water vs. skin cancer...well...

Alas...I'll write the article and leave it to the individual to determine their care on the underwater realm.

(Ok...I'm feeling a little 'green-peacey' today...)

If there is not a possibility of topside pictures...I go au natural..If there is, I wear waterproof mascara and eyeliner, lots of moisturizer after a dive:D ..
Man I look like a drowned rat after diving, thank god for baseball caps!. And I hate it when the sunscreen/moisturizer runs in my eyes. So lucky for me, I have great eyelashes to start out with, and a husband of 32 years who loves me no matter how I look.
All of my dive buddies are male, and all of them first saw me without makeup and are used to it now. On the other hand, they tell me that I "clean up well" after they see me on a non-diving day, LOL.

I've always been good about applying sunscreen on my face, but ever since my dad was diagnosed with melanoma earlier this year (we share the same pale complexion), I try to remember to put sunscreen on the rest of my exposed skin.
General info

Look for sunscreens with titanium dioxide or Zinc oxide or parsol 1789 to protect from UVA rays. For UVB rays look for Octyl metoxycunnamate, Benzophenone, Methyl salicylate.

If your suncreen is rated an SPF of 15 or 30, does not contain Parsol or avobenzone, titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, you are getting very little protection from UVA rays (about 20%).

An SPF 15blocks 93.33% of UVB abd some UVA.

Reasons why you should wear sunscreen
1. Supplies additional moisture ti the skin
2. Seals in moistue and helps to prevent the escape of natural moisture in the skin.
3. attrace and extract moisture form the atmosphere in a moist climate.
4. Soften the texture of the skin.
5. Help oily skin keep a favorable water and oil balance within the skin and on its surface.
6. Improve skin performance and apperance.
7. protect the skin from damage by stress, abuse and air pollution.
8. prevent chapping.
9. Prevent flaking.
10. Protect against artifical climates created by air conditioning anf heating.
11. Provide smooth surface to allow for even make up application.
If there is not a possibility of topside pictures...I go au natural..If there is, I wear waterproof mascara and eyeliner, lots of moisturizer after a dive:D ..

I hear you like au natural. . .
Is there any other way:huh: :D

Err you could try shaving your legs once in a while. . .

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