Just a personal anecdote, but many years ago we did air dives to ~50 msw to look at wrecks off Sydney. We were diving on tables, with detailed dive profiles & air consumption planned out on slates. We were all affected by narcosis to varying degrees at that depth, but all the divers were able to follow the dive plan fine. On one dive though we had a person who became badly narc'ed. He was diving on independent twins, and he simply couldn't work out the relation between his SPGs and the regulators. He kept removing one regulator and then putting the same one back in, and he couldn't understand why the pressure in one tank was dropping and the other one was still full. He knew something was wrong, but he couldn't work out how to fix it. His buddy helped him and after they ascended a short distance he was fine again.
Afterwards we had a good laugh about it, but he obviously couldn't dive to that depth safely on air. There was nothing in terms of age, fitness, etc. that set him apart from the rest of us, but his ability to reason his way through simple tasks just evaporated once he hit about 45 m.