Nope! You've got it right. In that case, no headache means that thus far, you've likely not developed significant hypercarbia due to the conservatism of your dive profile. It doesn't mean that your risk is lower, given the innate risk of high density gas compared with helium. But you've stayed out of trouble. That's good. If you can guarantee dives with no extra effort, you can continue as you have been. From a cost standpoint, you clearly win. But I hope you would concur that your contingency margin is rather less than with Trimix. And then there's the "night vs. day" difference that the Ginnie divers have pointed out regarding more subtle perceptions when they switched from air to trimix inside the cave.But my rate of breathing does change depending on what I’m doing. What I thought Simon Mitchell was saying is that some people don’t respond to CO2 build up and their rate of breathing stays the same hence CO2 starts to build. Have I missed something?
But yes. It's sounds like you have a standard response to CO2. Thanks for replying!