What he said. It takes me a long time to get ready, mostly because I wear a lot of neoprene but also because I have a particular order of doing things and I don't like to be rushed while I run my routine. So I make a bit of a joke on the boat while I start my process. Some men teased me, good naturedly, just the other day, saying they were married and totally GOT women taking a long time. We laughed and talked about my make-up needing to be applied yet. Good divers don't care if you actually ARE getting ready. The time to notice missing gauges is before you get in the water! I love having my own equipment because of the comfort it brings in knowing how everything works and that it DOES work. They are making some lightweight travel equipment these days. Yesterday a guy showed me his weight integrated (no more slipping weight belt) travel BCD that weighs 4 lbs! Buy a lightweight set of regs and a computer and you can probably safely rent the rest of what you might need.
I mentioned in an earlier post that it takes time to process these sorts of events. Sounds like you are, and will come out of it a better diver. Thanks for sticking with us and your continued good humor while taking it all in.
I mentioned in an earlier post that it takes time to process these sorts of events. Sounds like you are, and will come out of it a better diver. Thanks for sticking with us and your continued good humor while taking it all in.
Thea -
Don't ever worry about slowing the dive group down getting into the water. It's one thing if you were talking on your cell phone or trying to take pictures of the dive captain, it's quite another if you are taking your time going through your equipment and your buddies, checking and double checking that everything is correct.